I was thinking about discontinuing my fanfic The Flier And Runner but idk yet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or at least i'll change it a lot
Awwww!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! But there might be few changes btw
Yeah! This was one of my favorites (definitely top 3)
NO!!! YOU CANT DISCONTINUE THAT!!! ITS MY FAVORITE ONE SO FAR!! (No offense to other fab fic writers)
Meh. . . . . it's just me, Ashtwist , and Crstalloid are writijng a novel but i'll still continue it
or should I say "is really good"?
No!!! That was really good!!!!! plz continue it
I don't read TFAR (sorry :{) so I don't really know whether to continue it or discontue it, the best advice I can give is whatever makes you happy. Ik its pretty lousy sorry XD