So . . . . . . . . . . . I was thinking . . . . . . . . . . . do the FanFictions have to be about Anok and TGH pegasi? This is just a thought i've been thinking for a LONG time . . . . . . . . . .So to answer my question i'm gonna email Mrs. Alvarez and ask her. PLease tell me your thoughts in the comments below.
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NOOOOOO!!!! But Echo, I would join you.
Guys i'm basically the ONLY one on here who can give spoilers since i've already read it but I won't spoil anything.
Wispi, if anyone DARES take that extra step from capturing to riding, I will get sucked into the book as a human and strangle the Sandwen riding them
NO! No spoilers AT ALL!!!!!!!
All I want to know is if anyone DARES ride Echofrost, Hazelwind, or Dewberry. And I only want to know that because I don’t want to tear that page out of the book when/if I read it for myself.
I just checked in the BOOKS section of the site, and iqt's spelt Rahkki, so you were right the first time Flamefrost
Rahkii? Rahhki? Rahki? Rahki looks right to me
First off, I don’t want ANY spoilers. His name is Rahkki or Rakkhi.
Also, what is Ra- Ra- I CANNOT PRONOUNCE/SPELL THE KIDS NAME!!!! What’s Echofrost ‘s 12-year-old friend like? PLEASE PLEASE TELLLLLLLL!!!!
Emailed what?
Yeah I remeber this post and I emailed soooo long ago and she STILL hasn't answered but idk
I thought arc was just like centered around something, like WOF the first arc centers around the Dragonet Prophecy and saving the world yada yada, and the second arc is about ANOTHER PROPHECY, Moon's abilities, and the Jade Winglet SAVING THE WORLD AGAINNNNNN
Ohhhhhhh riiiiiight.
Advance Reader's Copy
What was an arc again? I ALWAYS FORGET!!!! But oh my gosh that is so cool!!!!!!!
it was an arc and i've already read it
yes yes i did
Wait, did you get a copy of ROTR in advance or something Inara?!?!
1. Don't you dare
2. It sounds like you want to write your own story, not a fan fic