Last comment form part 20-
He cantered over to his sister.
Starsummer nickered a greeting to her bro. "So, when are you going to ask her?" she asked, quietly.
Darkstone looked at his sister, perplexed "Ask what?" he said, nuzzling his sister
Starsummer rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb with me. When are you going to ask her to be your mate?"
Darkstone tossed his head. "It's not the best time....with the war and everything...besides, I already promised myself to ask her after the war, when it's safer..." he said, hoping Starsummer would drop it. Starsummer looked at her younger sibling with kind eyes. "Alright Darkstone, but I'm just letting you know, Whiteshadow is a great mare. Not everyone can get a mare like that." she said, bumping his hip with hers. He nickered, admitting it. "Yeah..she's pretty great..." he said, half asleep. Starsummer nickered and the siblings fell asleep side-by-side.
(I posted it)
(I'm going to make part 22 real quick)
Silverflame to Goldenstream, Emberblaze, & Magicpetal at the Glacier Herd Army Training Grounds:
Silverflame exchanged glances with his friends, "I wonder what's gotten under his fur." he said allowed.
Shadowstar to Silverflame:
"Yeah, well I am fine with being by myself," he said tired of feeling like he was in his brother's shadow. Shadowstar, yeah that name fit alright.. With that, he took flight and landed on the other side of the field under a large maple tree.
Silverflame to Shadowstar in the Glacier Herd Army Training Grounds:
Silverflame was taken aback at his brother's tone, "I just thought you might want to have some company wile we're on break." he said.
Shadowstar trotted over to where his brother was standing. "What do you want?" he asked letting his disgusted tone of voice take over.
(I just realized that since Magicpetal and Horizongold are a thing, Shadowstar isn't being shipped with anyone)
Silverflame to Shadowstar at the Glacier Herd Army Training Gounds:
Silverflame spotted his brother, who appeared to be glaring at their father. He rolled his eyes, Shadowstar had held some unexplainable grudge against Moonwing ever since he was born, and it didn't appear to be getting any better between them. "Hay Shadowstar," Silverflame called to his brother, "Come and join us!"
Shadowstar looked over and saw his father talking with Horizongold. While he wasn't afraid of his father like he had been as a foal, he was still not a big fan. His father pushed him beyond his limit and made him nervous. Shadowstar never knew how his father would react to something. Shadowstar was also starting to feel slightly jealous of Silverflame. It was clear that Moonwing adored him, and Silverflame was a much better warrior than him, and in Shadowstar's opinion, more handsome.
Moonwing's chest swelled with pride at the mention of his son. "That is good news. We will most certainly be ready for them by then."
(Sorry about that Flamefrost. What time of year is it right now anyway?)
Whiteshadow to Jaggedwing in Glacier Herd's Medicine Mare Den:
Whiteshadow had been working most of the day on Jaggedwing, after she had finished changing his dressings, she also collected moss so the old over stallion wouldn't have to be lying on the ground. Whiteshadow had also made a few trips to a near by stream to fetch water for Jaggedwing as well.
After she had returned form one of her trips to the stream, Whiteshadow did what she had been doing with the other water she had brought back, and carefully squeezing the moss that held the water so it trickled into Jaggedwing's throat. But this time, as soon as the water touched him, the over-stallion's eyes popped open. Jaggedwing was awake!
Snowfrost to Coalblaze in Cave Herd/Glacier Herd:
Snowfrost rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, we can get pretty cold during the winter," he said, "But during the summer, our territory can get just as hot as Flame Herd territory easily."
Redmoon trotted over to Emberblaze, Magicpetal, Goldenstream, Silverflame, and Shadowstar. She stood beside them and grazed on the grass. She tilted her head up and met Breezebell's eyes and gestured for her to come over. Breezebell smiled and trotted over happily. "You will always be welcome Breezebell," Redmoon whispered. Breezebell nickered. "Thanks. Just got a lot on my mind right now," She answered. Redmoon nodded and continued grazing.
He smiled at Mintcreek and turned back to the others. "I actually think I might like the cold.... I have no idea why but I'm always eager for new things..." He murmured.
(Horizongold, not Horizonblaze)
Horizongold was reluctant to correct the stallion, but he felt that he had to. “We have only been in army training for three days. Before that, flight school was in effect for a few months. So, as you might expect, army training hasn’t gone wonderfully. But we are progressing. You may be satisfied to hear that your son Silverflame is one of our best performers so far.
Are we ready for a Flame herd attack? No, not yet. But thankfully, we don’t need to be yet. Bronzewing found two survivors from yesterday’s Flame herd skirmish and they provided intelligence that Flame Herd won’t be attacking until late autumn or early winter.”
After she had made her announcement, she flew down form her ledge, followed by Mistcloud, started giving orders to her captains.
"Nice to meet you," said Twigstrike, happy that he was already making friends with his new herd mates.
(He also has a crush on Breezebell)