Sandrea was sitting on the muddy ground playing with the dirt when her mother came, ”Sandrea!” she called. ”Sandrea, time for dinner!”
Sandrea jumped up quickly and started walking towards her little muddy shack. Well, all of them were muddy shacks too so Sandrea’s house was not poor. Some were even made in the ground some were made in the trees! Now back to the story, As She was walking towards her little house, a dark bird came into view, or was it? A black feather came spinning dizzily towards the ground, Sandrea stood there following the feather with her eyes and before it could fall to the ground and get mucky and dirty She picked it up from the air and continued walking home. Her Mother was waiting for her, ”Sandrea!,” she said with a sigh. ”Sandrea! wipe all the mud of your skin with water from the hose and then you may go inside. Oh! and put on some clean clothes”
Flamestar's PART
Flamestar woke up early in the morning to fly in this dangerous land. She had asked Shadowclaw along but, He had refused. Neverless, Flamestar was a superb flyer—A fast one too—but still, it was dangerous for one pegasus to roam and explore. Filled with crocodiles and dangerous beasts she could not name, and don’t forget the Landwalkers! That would try to ensare a pegasus—for they wanted every pegasus captured and tamed. Wishriver was smart, She would only fly were they could not tell she was a pegasus and maybe compare her to those dark birds they called ravens. So, she flew. So, she flew to a cluster of small muddy little sleeping areas they called Houses, Shacks, or simply home. As she flew past, she became a little frightened. But she was a bold one, and flew steadfastly past. A girl playing in mud, looked up at Flamestar and looked at a feather that had dropped. Flamestar then, flew faster, of the fear of being caught. Out of the corner of Flamestar’s eye she saw the girl pick up the feather. That was fine, Flamestar was thinking in her head. A little keepsake, thats all. Flamestar continued her round of flying and returned back before everyone woke up.

This is good!!!!!!
XD Cue the shouts: NO SPOILERS
And thank uou Nighy!:D
XD That's hilarious that you got it from a dream. I bet you were dreaming of how ROTR would turn out! You guys will love it because I did. I haven't read the secret Bumblewind information though.
OOOOOO I LIKES IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks!:D I got most of it from a dream I now kind of forgot O.o LOL
Cool story!! I'm liking it so far. Write more soon!