(ATTENTION ALL ZEBRASI!!!!!!! You may be CONFUSED by the new POST!! That"s because I am redoing the FIRST POST. Look for Winged Zebras RP (Part 1 [Redo]) YAY LET'S DO THIS AGAIN!!
"I'm sorry, sir. My sister dragged us here to explore, and we had to follow her to make she sure didn't do anything dangerous. We are so sorry we tresspassed, it will never happen again, sir."
(Awwwww, Apachecliff being the big brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!OO)
She smiled weakly, "Thanks," she replied, feeling the guilt tug on her heart slightly.
They continued walking through the forest for the next few minutes until she stopped in front of Forestheart. "Now, you want to discover your silent inner-self right now, this is gonna be cool," she whispered. So quiet that she barely made a sound, she stepped through two trees and disappeared. After a few moments a golden wingtip popped out and gestured for him to come forward.
"Your eyes need to adjust but look anyway," she pointed into the large hole-like cave under a giant boulder. Three, tiny, fuzzy bears lay sleeping in the depths, all huddled together.
"Isn't it so cool?" She asked softly with a wide grin, "I found the den two weeks ago."
he smiled and trotted after her, his forest green wings held at his sides, "So, I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" he asked, "I've seen you around, I've just never heard it before,"
"Uh... Dapplestone," she replied, biting back her lie. (This mare needs help) She hated her name and the meaning. She wasn't what it meant, she was a failed expectation of her parents. She was thankful that they weren't there to hear it.
She nodded, "I can show you around if you want," she offered, "I have some pretty cool places that I've found, and a..." she trailed off, realizing that she had a secret landmark that she had never revealed to any living thing in her herd and she wasn't about to now. (Now... she willl eventually show him prbly..... )
He glanced at her, "Oh, um, I kinda stay out of... out of everyone's way, I guess. I'm usually by myself where- where few zebrasi go," he replied, shuffling his hooves.
Pumpkinfall began to walk in the direction of the herd, silence following. ”So.... I’ve seen you around before but haven’t talked to you much. Usually I talk to everyone at least once every month, gathering information, but you seem to have slipped past me,” she said lightly.
She relaxed a bit, the Zebrasus was from her herd. She followed the voice and found him standing not actually too far away, "Forestheart, huh? What are you doing so near the border?" She asked.
IT is posted so go and look!
The storys are still going to be thare... Its hard.. LOOK THE POST THAT WILL EXPLAIN IT!!! sorry.
(ATTENTION ALL ZEBRASI!!!!!!! You may be CONFUSED by the new POST!! That"s because I am redoing the FIRST POST. Look for Winged Zebras RP (Part 1 [Redo]) YAY LET'S DO THIS AGAIN!!
@Stormflight, you should probably make a new part because this one is just starting to get super confusing.
She sighed heavily and watched the sun start too set.
(Can someone catch me up? There so many things happening!)
"I'm sorry, sir. My sister dragged us here to explore, and we had to follow her to make she sure didn't do anything dangerous. We are so sorry we tresspassed, it will never happen again, sir."
(Awwwww, Apachecliff being the big brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!OO)
He took off into a gallop, galloping after Lenitystone.
She grinned, "Thankfully the mama bears usually not around, so we can-"
A giant shadow reared up over them. "Uhhhhh- uh oh."
The bear roared, her beady eyes glittering with rage of the two intruders so near her cubs.
"RUN!!!" Lenitystone screamed and took off at such a speed she seemed not to even be there the moment before.
Forestheart (Rainfall.)
He followed in after here, "Cool," he whispered smiling
"Dapplestone," he whispered tasting the name on his tongue (If that line even makes sense XD) "Cool name," he nickered
he smiled and trotted after her, his forest green wings held at his sides, "So, I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" he asked, "I've seen you around, I've just never heard it before,"
"Alright!" he nickered,
(I don't really know what's happening to be honest XD)
He flicked his wings, "I've rarely been over here, so I just wanted to explore it some more," he nickered
He glanced at her, "Oh, um, I kinda stay out of... out of everyone's way, I guess. I'm usually by myself where- where few zebrasi go," he replied, shuffling his hooves.
(Can anyone tell me what’s happening I can’t keep up!)
He shrugged his wings, "Just wanted to do a bit of exploring," he nickered
Pumpkinfall (Mooncycle):
Pumpkinfall began to walk in the direction of the herd, silence following. ”So.... I’ve seen you around before but haven’t talked to you much. Usually I talk to everyone at least once every month, gathering information, but you seem to have slipped past me,” she said lightly.
(GAh I gtg bed, bai! )
hearing the voice he pricked his ears, "Forestheart, of Rainfall Herd," he replied