Mooncycle: Streamblaze and Ironcore are interacting. Strikeflower is talking to Graveldrift.
Rainfall: Silverwing woke up. Lenitystone spotted a rainbow and is admiring it with Forestheart (who STILL thinks her name is Dapplestone. GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT ASHSONG). Cometcliff and Stripeleaf found Lightflame and Stripeleaf and Lightflame embarrassed themselves, they slept, and la-di-da.
Waterhole: Graveldrift is talking to Strikeflower.
Weather: Sunny
Time: Early morning
Let's RP!
Seastorm: "Oh yeah? Are you SURE?" He nickered and arched his wings, and flapped them slightly, stretching out his neck. He raced past Pebblespark, and flicked his tail. It brushed against her cheek.
She frowned and shook her head. “There is a difference between discipline and abuse. I rule my herd with discipline and I raised my own daughter that way, but what your doing is wrong. I will not allow it to continue. I spoke to the medicine mare and she said Graveldrift has a concussion, a sprained wing, and several bruised muscles along his body, not to mention the trauma he has gone through.” She said harshly, pinning her ears. “Tell me, what exactly has this colt done to earn such horrid treatment from his own father?”
(Oh is this her's? I didn't know I will ask her thanks!)
(What is this rp?)
(Oh! Sorry I didn’t see it)
She glared at Argentstone, her sharp eyes narrowing. “You have a son, don’t you? I would like to ask you some questions about your relationship with him.”
Without allowing Argentstone to react, she continued. “I was just speaking with him and he told me that you were treating him poorly. Is it true that you abuse him?” She asked intensely, her wings flared.
He looked her in the eye. "Then tell the truth. I'm sure he'll forgive you if you be honest."
"Just tell him 'Oh, by the way, Lenitystone is my real name, but Dapplestone is my nickname' and it'll be fine."
She sighed. "I guess. But... what should I tell Forestheart? He'd be hurt if I- he found out I lied to him," she said softly.
Argentstone, Waterhole:
He curled his neck around slowly, his dark eyes hard as stones. "About what, madam?" He asked, pricking his ears.
He smiled at Lenitystone. "You don't have to go by Lenitystone. Dapplestone can be... sort of like a nickname."
She spotted the stallion grazing alone and she swiftly landed next to him with a heavy thud. Her eyes ablaze with anger, but she tried unsuccessfully to hide it. She approached him and snorted in greeting. “Argentstone, we need to have a talk.” Her voice pierced sharply and her wingtips flared.
She nickered happily and galloped forward, her long legs carrying her across the valley. She glanced over at Seastorm. “Give it up, Seastorm! You’ll never beat me!” She said breathily as they raced.
"Your parents are proud of you for who you are. Remember that." Flamecloud smiled at Silverwing, and at Lenitystone.
He tilted his head. "You may not be very gentle, but I think you are certainly kind."
She jerked up her head and rattled her feathers. "No it doesn't!" She snapped, unable to keep her tempter under control. "I'm not gentle and I am not kind! My parents were wrong! Their hopes were false!" She stamped her hoof, seething.
Argentstone, Waterhole:
He curled his neck around slowly, his dark eyes hard as stones. "About what, madam?" He asked, pricking his ears.
He smiled at Lenitystone. "I disagree. I think your name fits you well."
She groaned. (Ironcore should prob get the medicine mare.)
Strikeflower: She watched Birchroot work and smiled.
Birchroot(Stormsun’s OC):
The mare stepped up to Graveldrift and the foreign filly. “Alrighty, Graveldrift. Let’s have a look at that head-you might have a concussion.” She said gently as she worked on rubbing a mixture of pine sap and lavender leaves into his cuts to ease the bleeding and numb the wound.
(HERE SORRY!!) Topazcloud:
She spotted the stallion grazing alone and she swiftly landed next to him with a heavy thud. Her eyes ablaze with anger, but she tried unsuccessfully to hide it. She approached him and snorted in greeting. “Argentstone, we need to have a talk.” Her voice pierced sharply and her wingtips flared.