All of a sudden a Pegasus flew down and soon spotted Starbrook. He raan over and told the group this: "I have word from Hazelwind and his group!" "What did he say?" Morningleaf asked eagerly. "He said that they are on the coast of Anok about to leave... And Dewberry has a message for Starbrook." He told them. hearing her name and Dewberry's in the same sentence made her ears prick up. "What did she say?" Starbrook asked. "She said to tell you that she loves you and misses you very much and she is sorry she didn't say goodbye before she left." He informed the filly. "Oh okay..." She replied. "Tell Dewberry that we told Starbrook and she is still a little confused." Morningleaf told the messenger. "Will do anything else?" He asked them. "Tell them all we all greatly miss them all!" Star added. "And I especially miss Dewberry." Starbrook told him. "Tell Hazelwind that I miss him too!" Morningleaf added. "And tell Echofrost I miss her!" Shadepebble said. "Tell them to have a safe trip! And to be careful." Brakentail said. "Okay that will finalize your message! Good bye...." he said and with that the messenger kicked off into the sky. As soon as he was gone Starbrook burst into tears. Morningleaf laid down next to her and comforted the abandoned filly.
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This is great!
Thanks! I don't know if i'm gonna do it tonight so if i don't i will in the a.m
I can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for an UN-eventful chapter! It is just kinda a filler! Hope you enjoy!