A week later the remaining pegasi arrived in the old Sun Herd Territory. Starbrook still hadn't gotten over the fact that Dewberry was gone... She missed her. She also knew that Morningleaf missed Hazelwind and Echofrost. Not one day went by when Starbrook didn't think about Dewberry or hope she was coming back. But every day, despite her wishes, she never came back. "Will they ever come back?" Starbrook asked Star one day. "I don't know... but we can always hope..." He told her trying to sooth the filly who would never stop missing her sister. "Hey.. Why don't you go find Starfrost and play with him okay?" Star suggested. Starfrost,who was about two moons younger than Starbrook, had joined the herd along with his parents, Larksong and Frostfire, a couple days after the pegasi started migration. "Okay..." Starbrook managed to mumble. Now, don't get me wrong the filly liked Starfrost but... they weren't amazing friends. She trotted over to where Larksong was grazing. "Hi Larksong! Do you know where Starfrost is?" She asked the mare. "Um.. He just went off to look for someone! I think he was looking for you so I would go check wherever you guys normally hang out." She told the eager filly. "Okay! Thanks!" Starbrook said and with that she trotted off to find Starfrost!
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And Logan, I'm obsessed with my story to! So unless I'm weird to then it's not weird at all to like your story. But I think it might be that we're both weird. Lol 😂
Kids don't learn to skip until they're 6+!
Literally I was skipping around the house like a 2 year old singing 😂 I had to much sugar...
You should've seen me a few minutes ago........
If only you knew me IRL my bestie and i take weird to a whole new level....*makes derpy face*
Lol your fine!!
I don't get it I'm hooked and I'M the one who wrote it! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!
I'm hooked also!!!
I'm gonna start chapter 3 now... lol I'm hooked and i know whats gonna happen next!
This is great!!
I love this!!!!