Star was growing anxious. Was Morningleaf mad at him for what he had done? Had she decided to be Brackentail's mate? "No." He told himself. "She promised she would come back." So he waited patiently for Morningleaf to get back. Growing more anxious, Star got up and paced. Finally though, he saw Morningleaf flying toward him. Relief washed over him, she was safe. She landed, out of breath, and colapsed in the sand from exaustion. Once she recovered, she immediatly spoke. "I told him." "Told who what?" Star asked. "I told Brackentail I won't be his mate." She said simply. Star was over-joyed! This meant he had an ever BETTER chance with her! "Why?" Star asked. "Because you didn't want us to be mates, remember?" She said. "Yes, I remember well." he replied. They layed on the sand together for a long time. Star put his wing over Morningleaf's back and she nuzzled him. "You didn't have to say no to Brackentail. You could have become mates, had foals." Star said. "I wasn't in love with him. Maybe him with me, but not me with him." She said. Star was in a happy mood, Morningleaf was with him right now after all. "Good Night." Said Star. "Good Night." She replied. Star lay awake for a long time, thinking about what could happen in the future, about how he felt about Morningleaf, about if they might become mates, and about the morning ahead. Finally, with all these thoughts still going through his mind, he drifted off to sleep. Soon he woke, it was morning, and Morningleaf was still fast asleep beside him. When she felt Star lift his head, she stirred. "Good Morning!" Star said. She shot up. "It's morning already?" She asked. "Yes." Star said. The sun was just starting to come up, and it made a boutiful collage on the clouds. "Star?" She asked. "Yes Morningleaf?" Star answered. "In what way do you love me?" She asked. Star was surprised by this question. "I...." He started, but couldn't finish. How could he answer? Finally, he decided to simply tell her how he felt, it was high time. "I love you, and not as a sister, as a mate." Star said. He had finally told her. He felt relief run through him. "I... I love you to Star." She said. "Then, Morningleaf, daughter of Thundersky and Silverlake, will tou be my mate?"
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Seriously, sorry about the delay. And, Logan, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease write the next TGH T. or D.!!!
That reminds me! 7 is almost done people!
I missed the starleaf episodes everyone makes its been awhile since I can enjoy a good old star and morningleaf episode. =.=
#STARLEAF! (I totally agree!)
BRACKENTAIL needs to go to anger management he should have known morningleaf would never be his mate!!!#STARLEAF🐴
NUUUUUUUUUUUU sorry thats me dying I CANT WAIT IM ON THE EDGE OF A CLIFF NOT OF MY SEAT OF A CLIFF THATS HOW ANXIOUS I AM btw the thought just struck me: Star is Morningleaf's milk brother so can they become mates after all? If not, WHO CARES ITS FANFIC sorry lel XD
I am! I'm glad you all like it!😊
I was on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time WRITE MOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💜💚💙💙💚💙💚💚💜💚💙💜💚💙💜💙💛💙💚❤️💜💛💙💜💚💛💜💛❤️💙💛💙💙💛❤️💙💚💜❤️❤️💙💛💜💛💙💛💙💙💙💚
Hi again! Sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy!