Windwing: -lands a few minutes after Wispiflower and looks at them- I gave up. Mintbreeze is to crazy -shakes head-
Rainblaze: -perks ears- Where is she now?
Wispiflower: -gapes- First explain what I'm seeing right now.
-points with wing at her and Coperpool-
Rainblaze: -eyes widen- Uh oh um..... -looks at Coperpool- Well Mapleglade and Junetree already know..
Wispiflower: Yeah but I don't get it!
Windwing: -nickers- Coperblaze!
Wispiflower: Is that it Coper?
Coperpool: -slightly red but says coolly- Yes.
Rainblaze: -stands up- Well, I'm going to the ocean for a swim
Wispiflower: -bit confusedly says- Okeyyy.. -turns to Windwing- Ok that was a big surprise.
Windwing: -nods-
Wispiflower: -asks warily- So, where is Mintbreeze exactly?
Windwing: Probably still at the caves
Mintbreeze: -lands right behind him- Or maybe I'm not
Wispiflower: -groans-
Coperpool: Uh, I'm going with Rainblaze to the ocean! -goes as fast as can-
Windwing: -starts to walk away with ears pinned- Let's go with Rainblaze and Coperpool Wispiflower
Wispiflower: -stares at the mare for a second then turns and nods- Ok
Windwing: -waits for Wispiflower to go first then kicks off after her-
Mintbreeze: -sighs and follows-
Wispiflower: -wants to break that mares wing but holds back urge- So we're going to the ocean right?
Windwing: -nods-
Wispiflower: Ok.
-can't help making a quick glance at Mintbreeze and glares at her wishing she could break her that way-
Mintbreeze: -sees Wispiflower glaring at her and smirks-
Windwing: -slaps Wispiflower's wing with his- Don't look
Wispiflower: -head snaps away- Ok
Mintbreeze: -flies up next to Windwing-
Wispiflower: -holds back rage and chats with Rainblaze- So, how long have you and Coperpool been mates?
Rainblaze: Umm a moon or so I think
-pregnancy stress and Mintbreeze stress getting to her- Oh ok
Coperpool: -senses her stress-
-flies over to Windwing and whispers- I think this is really getting to Wispiflower, she's not lookin' to good.
Windwing: -nods- I know, I'm thinking of what to do
Coperpool: -whispers back- Just execute her.
Windwing: -shakes head- I can't do that- It's against the rules. But, I can banish her
Coperpool: -nods- That could work.
Windwing: -stops suddenly- If I banish her, she'll just come back. But, I can execute her for coming back
Windwing: -whinnies to the group- Lets go back to the Herd, I have an announcement
Mintbreeze: -sighs and smiles- -talks quietly to herself- This is his time to say I'm now Mintcloud
Junetree: -wakes up from full night of sleep seeing Mapleglade next to her- -doesn't want to wake him up so snuggles next to him till he stirs- Morning sleepy head!
Mapleglade: -eyes half open- Go back to sleep -lays head on ground and dozes more-
Wispiflower: -totally heard that-
Junetree: -sighs- Why did I mate such a lazy stallion again?
Mapleglade: -shrugs- Why did I become the mate of such a morning pegasus?
Junetree: -rolls eyes- I only woke up because you kicked me!
Mapleglade: -snorts- Yeah right -rolls over and falls asleep again-
Junetree: -sighs, nuzzles him, and goes back to sleep also-
Mapleglade: -purposely kicks her in the leg and nickers with eyes closed-
Junetree: -eyes flutter open and kicks him back them gets up- Well, I'm ready to be up now!
Mapleglade: -flinches and opens eyes- This is the farthest I'm gonna get in getting up
Junetree: -rolls eyes again- I'm going to go graze with the Herd.
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Ok never mind food is more important than sleep -gets up and stretches then bolts into the sky nickering-
Junetree: -nickers- I figured!
-bolts after him-
Mapleglade: -flies quickly and lands in front of some pegasi- -nickers and plunges into the sweet grass-
Junetree: -lands gracefully in the meadow and takes a big mouthful of grass-
Wispiflower: -drags Rainblaze toward land and yells over her shoulder- One second, I need to talk to Rainblaze! -drags her the rest of the way to the ground then explodes- That mare is getting on my nerves big time!
-sits on haunches- All I want is for her to go poof one day and NEVER come back!
-looks at her ever so slightly swollen belly- I can't deal with all of this at once! -plops on the ground sobbing softly-
Rainblaze: -snorts- Your not the only one who wants to get rid of her -pins ears- I'll execute her myself if I have to
Wispiflower: -gets up and sits on haunches- Ok, that's good to know. -wipes away tears- Sorry about that, I think it's that extra stress you get when you're with foal.
Rainblaze: -nods- That's ok
Wispiflower: -thinks- Hey, is Junetree here or back with the Herd? I haven't seen them in a while.
Rainblaze: I think she and Mapleglade are back with the Herd, hopefully
Wispiflower: I need to talk to them, now.
Rainblaze: -nods- I'll go tell Coperpool and Windwing where we are going -flies up to the stallions-
Wispiflower: Ok
Rainblaze: -whispers to Coperpool- Wispiflower and I have to talk to Mapleglade and Junetree, we'll be back soon
Wispiflower: -kicks of and flies up next to Rainblaze- It'll only take a few minutes.
Coperpool: Why do you need to talk to them anyway?
-realizes it's probably for a break from Mintbreeze- Never mind, go ahead.
Rainblaze: -nuzzles him and flies towards the Herd-
Wispiflower: -makes a quick 'don't you dare do anything' look at Mintbreeze then flies beside Rainblaze all the way back to the Herd-
Mintbreeze: -rolls eyes and turns to Coperpool- Do you mind? I would like to talk to Windwing alone
Coperpool: -growls- Yes I do mind!
Windwing: -snorts- And there's no way I'm staying here with you alone -whispers to Coperpool- How do you think we can get rid of her?
Coperpool: -whisper-yells- Eliminate her.
Mintbreeze: -perks ears- Eliminate who?
Windwing: -bares teeth- You. -whispers to Coperpool- I'll banish her first, and if she comes back then I'll execute her
Wispiflower: -lands in the grazing meadow of Prairie Herd and quickly spots Junetree and Mapleglade- -trots over- Guys, can I talk to you?
Coperpool: -nods head in total approval- Sounds good!
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Sure
Windwing: -nods also and raises voice- Mintbreeze, filly of Darkcloud and Stormwing, you are banished from Prairie Herd. If you return, I will execute you for disobeying.
Coperpool: Good job.
Mintbreeze: -gasps and looks at Windwing with pleading eyes- Are you serious?
Windwing: -nods- Leave. Now.
Wispiflower: It's about Mintbreeze again. -glances at Junetree and eyes widen- Actually, Junetree can I quickly tell you something?
Junetree: Ummm, sure. -follows Wispiflower-
Coperpool: -claps- Great job. She was getting on EVERYONE'S nerves.
Mapleglade: -looks at Rainblaze- What do you think Windwing will do?
Rainblaze: -shrugs- He better do something
Windwing: -bows- Thank you!
Mintbreeze: -pins ears- Executed or not, I will be back.
-flies away quickly-
Coperpool: -claps even more- BRAVO!!!
Windwing: -nickers- Let's go tell the others
Coperpool: -bobs head- Okey!
Windwing: -nickers again and flies towards the Herd-
Wispiflower: -stops not far away from the others but just out of ear shot- You're getting plump.
Junetree: I am not!
Wispiflower: -nickers- It's the truth though! And seems to me like you were practically starved this morning yet you ate your normal amount!
Junetree: -sits on haunches- What does that have to do with Mintbreeze?
Wispiflower: Nothing.
Coperpool: -follows alongside-
Windwing: -quickly sees Mapleglade and Rainblaze- -looks around- Where is Wispiflower?
Coperpool: -looks closer- And where is Junetree?
Mapleglade: They are talking somewhere
Junetree: Then why are you talking about this?
Wispiflower: No reason...
Junetree: -rolls eyes- Just tell me.
Wispiflower: -pauses- Are you with foal?
Junetree: WHAT?!?! Why would you ask that?!?!?!?!!!!
Wispiflower: I already explained that.
Junetree: -light headed- Why would I be with foal? HOW would I be with foal?! Mapleglade and I didn't try!!
Wispiflower: Sometimes it happens in your sleep..
Junetree: But...
Wispiflower: Have you been having cramps?
Junetree: Yeah, ever since the morning after the second time Mapleglade and I slept together...
Wispiflower: There! That must be it!!!
Junetree: -pale- Are you sure?
Wispiflower: -filled with glee- Posotive!
Rainblaze: -looks at the stallions- I'm gonna go talk to Wispiflower and Junetree
Rainblaze: -quickly finds them- What are you two talking about?
Wispiflower: -looks at Junetree-
Junetree: -alarmed, not wanting to tell ANYONE- Nothing!
Wispiflower: -gets it-
Yeah, just a weird untopic related thing.
Rainblaze: -rolls eyes and nickers- You guys are crazy
-nickers- We'll tell you at some point, when Junetree is ready.
Rainblaze: -nickers- Ok
Junetree; In other words not any time soon.
Rainblaze: -nods and nickers again- Well, Windwing, Coperpool and Mapleglade are wondering where you guys are. They have some good news
Wispiflower: Oh ok
-follows Rainblaze-
Junetree: -follows Wispiflower-
Coperpool: -nickers- Mares take forever when they start chatting!
Mapleglade: -nickers- No kidding
-practically runs into Windwing in her rush- What's the news?!
Windwing: -nickers and puts wings of Wispiflower's back- Calm down!
Wispiflower: I know I know. -nickers- Just tell me!
Mapleglade: -nickers excitedly- Windwing banished Mintbreeze! She left
Junetree: YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!
Windwing: -nods happily-
Wispiflower: -looks at him with a smile spreading over her face- Really?
(Mean while,)
Racewind: -nuzzles Mintbreeze- If I can't have Wispiflower and you can't have Windwing, we may as well have each other.
Rainblaze: -nickers- Yep!
Mintbreeze: -shrugs- I still want Windwing, but I guess -doesn't tell him the plan-
Wispiflower: I guess I really didn't think you'd do it since her sire and dam started the Herd!
Windwing: -shrugs- Even if she's the daughter of the former leaders I can still banish her, she deserves it
Wispiflower: -pats him on the shoulder- You definitely did the right thing.
Mapleglade and Rainblaze: -nod in agreement-
Windwing: -bows- Thank you
Coperpool: Ok to much. Back to our slightly normal daily lives now!
Mapleglade: -nickers- Guess what?
Wispiflower: What?
Siblings: What?
Mapleglade: -tags Wispiflower- Your it!
Mapleglade: -runs quickly and takes flight nickering-
Rainblaze: -squeals and flies up into the sky-
Wispiflower: Ugh, why me? -flies up chasing Mapleglade-
Mapleglade: -whinnies- You were the closest to me!
Junetree: C'mon Windwing! C'mon bro! -flies on up to join in-
Windwing: -rolls eyes but flies into the sky nickering-
Wispiflower: Oh SURE. -catches up and tags him- HA! You're it!!
Mapleglade: -snorts and chases after Junetree quickly tagging her nickering- Now your it!
Junetree: -nickers and tags Windwing- Get your bro back for me will ya?
Windwing: -nods- -sneaks up to Mapleglade and rams him out of the sky-
Mapleglade: Hey! -falls out of the sky and regains wings- I'll get you back for that later! -chases after Coperpool-
Windwing: -nickers-
Junetree: Thanks!
-nickers as watches her brother get tagged after a minute or so- Rainblaze! Get Rainblaze!!
Rainblaze: -squeals again and bolts into the forest-
Coperpool: -nickers and chases her in-
-tags Rainblaze after going pretty deep- Gotcha!
Rainblaze: -tags him back- Not for long!
Coperpool: -grabs her wing- Not so fast!
Rainblaze: -loses balance and crashes on the ground nickering-
Coperpool: -gets dragged down with her and lands with a thump on the ground nickering- I can arrange a way for you to not get tagged by me again since I obviously would.
Rainblaze: -nickers and stands up quickly and runs out of the forest- Im not taking any chances! -bursts out and takes flight- Coperpool's it!
Mapleglade: -nickers and flies away from the forest-
Coperpool: -rolls eyes- -tags Junetree- You're it sister!
Junetree: Hey! No fair!
Wispiflower: -nickers as she lands- Its getting a little late to be playing, plus I'm pooped.
Windwing: -nickers also and lands beside Wispiflower- Im done
Coperpool: -also lands- I'm done to.
Rainblaze: -collapses on the ground- Same
Junetree: I guess I'm done to.
Second moon of Wispiflower and Junetree's pregnancy.
-sleeping after playing the game and realizes she's been with foal for two moons that night-
Junetree: -feels guilty but doesn't want ANYONE to know that she's with foal because she thinks it's embarrassing-
-looks at Mapleglade then feels even more guilty- Mapleglade..
-starts to tell him then stops-
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Were ya gonna say something?
Junetree: No, never mind. Forget it.
Mapleglade: -nods suspiciously-
Junetree: WHAT?!?!
Mintbreeze: -flies high in the sky and looks down, watching Windwing and Wispiflower, hoping she'll leave-
Wispiflower: -coughs from dehydration- I'm gonna go get some water. -flies to the lake not far away-
Windwing: Okay
Mintbreeze: -nickers and flies down behind Windwing-
Junetree: -pretends to be asleep but whispers to Mapleglade who is right next to her- Why did SHE come?!
Mapleglade: -looks over and falls over pretending to die-
Junetree: -rolls eyes- Same question Mapleglade, why do you think SHE is here again?!
Junetree: -claps wings over her mouth- I'll be right back. Tell me everything they say Mapleglade!
Mapleglade: -nods-
Junetree: Thank you. -silently trots toward Rainblaze-
Junetree: -silently sneaks up on Rainblaze- BOO!!
Rainblaze: -jumps three feet up in the air and squeals- Hey!
Rainblaze: -snorts- Not funny
Junetree: -laughs- YES funny! Anyway guess who is here AGAIN.
Rainblaze: -snorts again- Who.
Rainblaze: -pins ears instantly knowing who- What does Mintbreeze want now? I thought she was banned!
Junetree: Yes she was! Mapleglade is spying for me while I tell you something else...
Rainblaze: -nods-
Junetree: ..... I'm still not sure if I want to tell anyone. Like, I want to tell you but I don't want to tell you. You know?
Junetree: -rolls eyes- I’ll just say it. I’m with foal, no joke.
Rainblaze: -eyes widen- Seriously?
Junetree: -stomps hoof- I’VE NEVER BEEN MORE SERIOUS IN MY LIFE! -deep breath- Sorry, I blew again. As I’m sure you’ve noticed I do that a lot.
Junetree: One catch to this, you can not tell Mapleglade, because he would freak out and wouldn’t let me have any fun.
-shudders at the thought-
Rainblaze: -nods, still a bit shocked- Ok
Junetree: Good.... Wellllllll.... -awkward silence- Ummmmm... I’ll be leaving noww... To find Wispiflower.
Wispiflower: -still trying to kill her thirsty coff but no matter how hard she tried the coff wouldn’t leave-
Junetree: Hey Wispiflower.
Wispiflower: -lifts head from the water- Oh hi. -coffs a little- I think I caught a cold.
Coperpool: -hears Mintbreeze from his pricked ears and silently got up, trotting over to chaperone- Why are you here? Aren’t you going to get executed now?
Windwing: -pins ears- You know the rules, Mintbreeze. Stand down and leave or I have no choice
Mintbreeze: -stands tall- Windwing, I’m with your foal.
Coperpool: -gapes- You are desperate!
Coperpool: Wait... You’re not serious are you?
Mintbreeze: -nickers- Why would I be kidding about something like that? I’m Windwing’s mate, Coperpool. Can’t you see that?
Coperpool: Nope. I don’t see it.
Rainblaze: -nickers- Mintcloud? How does that even sound right?
Coperpool: Do you read thoughts or something?
Rainblaze: Maybe, But I think it’s common sense to know something like that
Mintbreeze: -pins ears- Windwing, let’s go I need to talk to you alone
Coperpool: No WAY that’s happening. I’m now your official chaperone. Windwing, do you approve of this plan?
Windwing: -snorts- Not really. Coperpool, come with us. I’ll lead the way. -starts walking into the forest-
Coperpool: So I can chaperone?
Windwing: -nods-
Mintbreeze: -snorts- I don’t approve to that
Coperpool: You know, I don’t really care what you approve of Mintbreeze.
Mintbreeze: -bares teeth at him and follows Windwing-
-reluctantly follows behind Mintbreeze- Can Mapleglade come too? -doing it to mess with Mintbreeze but is hopeful that Windwing might say yes-
Mintbreeze: We don’t need Mapleglade here too
Windwing: -ignores her- Sure
Coperpool: -grateful- Thank you Windwing
Coperpool: -trots over to the fake sleeping Mapleglade- Windwing said you can come and chaperone- I mean watch. Also I heard Junetree tell you to spy for her, so here’s your chance.
Mintbreeze: -watches Coperpool leave and quickly drags Windwing away- I need to talk to you in private! -whispers in his ear- I’m with your foal. Arent you proud?
Mapleglade: -looks at Coperpool- Sure
Coperpool: -hears then trot away and quietly drags Mapleglade with him to investigate-
Mapleglade: -pins ears- Why is Mintbreeze here anyways?
Coperpool: Take a guess.
Mapleglade: -snorts- I don’t even want to know now. But shouldn’t she be executed?
Coperpool: Ugh, she’s saying she’s with Windwing’s foal. He won’t execute her until he finds out she’s telling the truth. I mean, he wouldn’t kill his own foal or the mother.
Mapleglade: -eyes widen- Windwing believes her? Has he gone crazy! Besides, he isn’t even her mate!
Windwing: -pins ears- What are you talking about? You aren’t with my foal! Mintbreeze, just leave. You know the rules.
Coperpool: And I need to say something about Junetree.. I think she’s been spending some time with Shadowquake..
Coperpool: And I know.
Mintbreeze: Why would I joke about that?
Mintbreeze: Besides, you wouldn’t execute your own foal and mate.
Windwing: Exactly. I would never execute Wispiflower or our foal. But I wouldn’t care if I executed you!
Mapleglade: -perks ears- Shadowquake?
-whispers- This guy is smart.
Mapleglade: Why would Junetree be with someone like him?
Coperpool: Ummmm. I don’t know.. She never tells me anything.
Rainblaze: -walks up to Coperpool and Mapleglade- If Windwing wasn’t smart, he wouldn’t be over-stallion
Rainblaze: -looks at Coperpool- Who are you talking about?
Coperpool: Uhhhh... Shadowquake and Junetree.
Rainblaze: -slaps face with wing- Junetree wouldn’t be his mate! Shadowquake is more like a brother to her than a mate
Coperpool: -rolls eyes- I’m her ONLY brother.
Rainblaze: -nods and looks at Mapleglade- Don’t worry, Junetree isn’t with him.
Coperpool: Wellllll... I dunno.................
Coperpool: Let’s just listen to this crazy mare who says she’s with Windwing’s foal.
Rainblaze and Mapleglade: -nods-
Mintbreeze: I’m your mate. And I have your foal.
Windwing: -rears, towering over Mintbreeze- Leave!!! Get out of here and just leave!!!
Coperpool: Did I mention that he’s smart?
Mapleglade: -nickers in agreement-
Coperpool: I wonder when she’ll be scooting?
Mapleglade: Hopefully soon
Mintbreeze: -snorts and looks at Windwing- You’ll regret your mistakes. -turns and flies into the sky-
Windwing: -sighs and pins ears- She’ll be back.
Coperpool: -slowly comes out of the bushes- She definitely will. Sadly.
Windwing: I don’t know what to do with her.
Windwing: First she claims that I promised to be her mate, then she says she’s with my foal.. it’s ridiculous
Coperpool: I think there’s one solution; execute her.
Rainblaze: Please Just get rid of her
Windwing: -paws ground- If she comes back, then I will.
Junetree: What? Oh no! I hope you’re not sick! What could happen to the foal?
-starts counting of things-
Wispiflower: Okay okay I get it. Nothing is going to happen.
-doesn’t really believe her own words- Right?
Coperpool: Thank you! She is starting to get to be like a sickness!
Rainblaze: No kidding
Junetree: Uh.. Let’s just go back to the others if you finished drinking.
Wispiflower: Yeah, okay. -quickly takes one last drink of water- Okay, let’s go.
Junetree: Okay. -trots with Wispiflower back to the main field- Where’d they go?
Wispiflower: They’re over there. -walks over to the group- Hey, what are you guys doing up? I thought it was just me and Junetree who couldn’t sleep?
Windwing: -shrugs, not knowing if he should tell her about Mintbreeze or not- We had a situation
Wispiflower: -brow furrowes- What kind of situation?
Coperpool: As lead-mare she has the right to know..
Windwing: Mintbreeze came back. She says that she’s with my foal. When I know she isn’t.
-breathes in because at that moment the air got knocked out of her- Why does she have to be so annoying?
Windwing: I don’t know, but she is
Wispiflower: Yeah I know. -sniffles for the same reason she has the coff- Um, can everyone leave for a second? I want a second with Windwing.
Junetree and Coperpool: Sure
Rainblaze and Mapleglade: -perk ears but not- Ok -walk away-
Wispiflower: I know this is really silly, but I need time too. If Mintbreeze isn’t important to you than you wouldn’t spend so much time all about her. I almost believe her lie this time.
Windwing: -eyes widen- How could you believe her? I’m the stallion, and I know she’s not with my foal!
Wispiflower: Who knows, you could be lying too! -obvious stress from everything and everyone exploring-
Windwing: -pins ears- Ask the others. See what they believe.
Wispiflower: This isn’t about them, this is about you and me.
Windwing: -stomps hoof and kinda becomes a smart mouth- Are you sick?
Wispiflower: No!
-doesn’t want to admit it- If I am sick than I’m sick of hearing about Mintbreeze all the time!
Windwing: I’m sick of her as much as you are Wispiflower! I don’t love her! I’m not her mate, she’s not mine. Mintbreeze may be with foal, but not mine! Who knows what she could’ve done, she could be with some other stallion’s foal and tries to claim that it’s mine! -says without realizing how true it sounds-
Wispiflower: Whatever you say, smart guy. -canters away realizing she just did something really stupid-
Windwing: -snorts and canters in the other direction into the forest-
Junetree: -joins Wispiflower- Why did you ask us to leave? Were you privately telling him you’re sick?
Wispiflower: -still a little out of her head- I’m not telling him anything ever again. He’s a liar.
Junetree: -very confused- What?
Wispiflower: I.. -gets her head back and start crying-
Junetree: Did you have a...... a fight?
Wispiflower: Y-yeah. A really silly one.
Rainblaze: -trots up to Wispiflower and Junetree- What happened??
Mapleglade: -secretly follows his brother into the forest and watches him-
Windwing: -lowers head and sighs, regretting what he said to Wispiflower-
Junetree: Wispiflower said they had a silly fight.
Wispiflower: -sobs- I don’t even know why I did that..
Rainblaze: -puts wing on Wispiflower’s back- Maybe your just stressed out!
Junetree: My mom was a medicine mare. I think you have a rare decease that includes head aches, coffing, a slight case of the sniffles, and angry outbursts. If not healed it could kill you, and the foal.
Coperpool: -secretly listening to the whole thing and goes to tell Windwing-
Windwing: -perks ears and hears someone coming-
Coperpool: Windwing, there’s something I need to tell you about Wispiflower.
Windwing: What’s wrong?
Coperpool: She’s sick. And it’s supposed to get really bad.
Windwing: Wispiflower?
Thank you!
Tada! 6 is on the way!