Emeraldblaze: What?!
-gapes at her mother- Mother I dont want to go!
Hollylight: -blinks big sad puppy eyes- Don’t you love Daddy?
Emeraldblaze: Of course I love him! But I don’t want to go out into a dangerous place!
Hollylight: Are you a coward then?
-frustrated so she doesn’t know what she’s saying-
Emeraldblaze: No! You’re the coward!
Hollylight: -snaps out of her frustration spurt and feels guilty- Look, I’m sowy. I just really want to see Daddy a lot. You are the opposite of a coward. -perks up- Can we go now?
Emeraldblaze: Sorry..
-looks at Rainblaze- Will we be okay?
Hollylight: I think we will be fine. -has some doubts- -looks at dam- Wait, will we be okay mother?
Rainblaze: We’ll be okay, follow me
Hollylight: -jumps into the air- GO FASTER!!! You two should be in the air flying, not on the ground chatting! Let’s go!! Pleeeease
Hollylight: Come ONNNNN!
Rainblaze: -nickers- Emeraldblaze: -jumps into the sky behind Hollylight-
Rainblaze: -shouts as loud as possible- WHAT?!??!?!!!!!!
Hollylight: -sighs- Are you coming?
Hollylight: Okay than, I’ll leave without you. -starts to fly away then stops- I’m leaving without youuu, all by myselfff, unless you wanna coooome
Rainblaze: -jumps into the sky and nips Hollylight’s back leg and pins ears- Be patient.
Emeraldblaze: Mother? Do I have to come?
Hollylight: -mumbles- Sorry.
Rainblaze: -sighs- Emeraldblaze, you can’t stay here alone
Hollylight: -full of energy- Come! Come! Come! Come! Come!
Emeraldblaze: -snorts- Fine
Rainblaze: Good, you two follow me
Hollylight: Okay! -flies into the air-
Hollylight: Come on Come on Come on!!!
Rainblaze: -nickers- I know -starts flying to the mountains-
Hollylight: -follows eagerly- -gets excited- What will father be like? I don’t remember him much. Will he like us? Will he show us cool stuff?
-she gasped in horror- Or will he hate us?
Rainblaze: -rolls eyes- Your father loves you very much, and you two are only weanlings. He hasn’t even been gone for half a moon.
Emeraldblaze: I remember him well
Hollylight: I don’t! It feels like he’s been gone my whole life except the first day I WAS BORN!
Rainblaze: -rolls eyes again-
Hollylight: -an hour later- Are we theeeir yet?
Rainblaze: Almost. Y’know, I don’t know where they went.
Hollylight: Well, I MIGHT see Daddy over there in that valley we just passed right over a second ago...
Hollylight: So, are we going to at least investigate?
Rainblaze: -brakes- Why didn’t you tell me?! -dives down into the valley-
Hollylight: Okayyy... -dives after her and lands in the forest- It’s him! -whispered-
Rainblaze: -whinnies softly- Coperpool?
Coperpool: -hears someone say his name and whirls around- Who’s there? -can’t see them because they are so well hidden-
Coperpool: I said WHO IS THERE?
Rainblaze: Coperpool? It’s us!
Coperpool: -whirls in the direction of her voice- Rainblaze? Is that you?
Rainblaze: -perks ears- Yes! We’re here!
Coperpool: -slips quietly into the bush next to his mate- Why are you here?
Rainblaze: Well, you have a daughter who was dying to find you
Coperpool: -notices for the first time his twin fillies are here-
-smiles- I’m glad you’re all here. -whispers- -nuzzles Rainblaze- -hugs Hollylight and Emeraldblaze- I missed you two
Hollylight: I missed you too Daddy! -whisper-yells-
Coperpool: -straightens in alarm- Um, is there something wrong or something? Why are you here? Did you get captured? Is that why your here? -speaks really quickly with panic-
Rainblaze: -puts wings on his head- Calm down, we are fine. But one of your fillys’ decided to come look for you..
Coperpool: -calms down- Okay. Okay. -takes a few deep breaths- Did you think about the fact that if you came you might get captured?
Rainblaze: Yeah, but you’re captured along with everyone else and besides I saw Wispiflower and Windwing digging their way out. Not the best guards Mintbreeze has here..
Coperpool: Actually I’ve been hiding. I snuck in, I wasn’t captured. I’ve been spying and helping everyone
Rainblaze: Really? Good!
Coperpool: Which means YOU ARE NOT SAFE HERE
Rainblaze: -shrugs, showing her stubbornness-
Hollylight: Daddy, that was a very loud whisper.
Coperpool: -blinks at her-
Hollylight: -wraps wings around his leg and holds on tight- We are NOT leaving you. -looks at her dam- Right Mommy?
Junetree: Um, Wispiflower?
Wispiflower: Yeah?
Junetree: Weren’t we going to escape now? Since we have Wispifrost?
Lightray: -looks through the bushes, spying a mare warning her colt to stay away from a smug stranger-
Rainfeather: -peaks- So?
Lightray: They seem to be occupied.
Rainfeather: What if they reject us?
Lightray: They can’t- er, I hope so. I saw a pegasus just recently taken in, maybe they'll accept us to?
Rainfeather: -shrugs- I guess. Come on you two.
Thunderray: I hope we’re not asking at the WORST time. It seems like they're troubled mama
Raintree: Well I can’t wait to meet new pegasi!
Rainfeather: -sighs, taking all her courage to step out-
Maytree: -wanders away from her mother- -comes across a colt in the forest where she was walking to calm her nerves- -jumps- Who Are you? You’re not one of- -stops herself-
-Thunderray, Raintree, Rainfeather, and Lightray would spook-
Thunderray: AH! Oh I'm uh- just- passing by...
Raintree: Oh! Hi! We were about to ask your over-stallion if we can join the herd is all!
Thunderray: -wing palm-
Lightray: -about to step up with them to make sure nothing happens to his foals but Rainfeather would place a wing on his chest, pulling him back gently giving him a look that they should talk without them interfearing.
Maytree: -jumps again, seeing the other three- Oh, I see. Well, Windwing is my uncle! I’m sure I could put in a good word for you!
Thunderray: -loses his cool, calm, and collected talk and perks his ears in awe- Really?
Maytree: Ummm, yeah?
Thunderray: -twists ears, confused- I thought it would be way harder than that.
Raintree: -bounces up and down- Eeee! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Maytree: Well, if it was just you asking, it probably would be, but I’m sure he would let you become herd members if I ask him.
Rainfeather: -walks up- Oh, you will? That's very kind of you sweety. -lowers muzzle to her, nuzzling the filly-
Maytree: Aww, no problem! What’s your name anyhow? Did you already tell me? If so I’m sorry, I forget things lately. My father is very moody
Thunderray: -nickers and bows head politely- I'm Thunderray.
Raintree: Ooo! Ooo! I'm Raintree! And that's Ma and Da aka Rainfeather and Lightray.
Maytree: Nice To meet you! -also bows head politely-
-taps chin thinkingly- Did I tell you my name yet?
Wispiflower: Well, I thought maybe we should wait until tomorrow.
Junetree: Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. -head snaps around suddenly- Where is Maytree? -zips to Mapleglade’s side where he was still laying in the grove where Pineberry had secretly checked him over for sickness- Have you seen Maytree?
Mapleglade: -shakes head- I thought you had her
Junetree: Well, I did, but now she’s disappeared. -tugs on his wing- Get up and help me look for her.
Mapleglade: -still is grumpy from waking up and getting over the cold- You lost her, you go find her
Junetree: -keeps tugging on his wing like a stubborn foal- No, she is also your responsibility, so you need to help me look.
Junetree: -bats eye lashes- Unless you don’t want to have the chance at a future colt, because I can unmake that happen if you want
Mapleglade: -snorts- Ain’t no way we’re having another foal if we can’t even keep track of one
Mapleglade: Now let me rest. -closes eyes and dozes off-
Grumpy Stally day .-.
Not really, we just needed a cute little yearling colt for Maytree, and then Rainfeather asked if the whole family could be in there, so I let her. They’re not going to be MAIN main characters, they’re just gonna pop in once in a while.
Rain, here’s your first appearance! Hope you like it everyone!