Hope you enjoy the second part of The love Story of Windwing and Wispiflower!!
Windwing: -nuzzles her softly- I think you know that answer.
Junetree: YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!
Wispiflower: -tomato-
Rainblaze: JUST ASK HER!!! DONT BE STOIC, ASK HER!!!!!!!
Windwing: Will you?
Rainblaze: -nickers and shouts again- WE'RE WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coperpool: Seriously, this is getting put of to long dude.
Mapleglade: -bobs head up and down as if nodding-
Windwing: -looks at Wispiflower with face tense and ears pricked waiting for her answer-
Junetree: You didn't officially ask yet dummy!!
Rainblaze: She'll only answer if you do!
Windwing: -looks down at Junetree and Rainblaze- -snorts and looks at Wispiflower- Will you be the lead mare of the herd?
Rainblaze: If he doesn't ask her properly I'm going up there
Windwing: -snorts again and looks at Wispiflower not saying anything-
Rainblaze: ALL RIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT -bolts up into the sky towards them-
Wispiflower: -not saying anything- -still tomato-
Rainblaze: -flies in front of Windwing- JUST ASK HER!!!!! It isn't that hard!!!!!! You two are meant to be!!!!!!!!!! Trust us!!!!!!!!!!!!! -turns to Wispiflower- Don't say anything until he asks you properly.
Wispiflower: -nods-
Rainblaze: -sighs and leans into Windwing, whispering- Hurry. You never know when that mare can come back. You know what to do.
Racewind: -flew up- Whatcha doing?
Junetree: Ugh, go away Racewind!
Rainblaze: Ummmmmmmmmm
Rainblaze: -looks at Wispiflower and slightly shakes head and points to Racewind with pleading eyes-
Junetree: -whispers to Windwing- Just ask her now before Racewind tries to take her out somewhere.
Windwing: -sees Racewind and tenses up-
Windwing: -nods and sighs- Wispiflower, will you be my mate?
Junetree: OHHHH!!!!
Racewind: -tenses- What am I missing?
Windwing: -perks ears and hears a shrill whinny come from up in the sky- -looks up and sees Mintbreeze coming- -mutters- Perfect timing.........
Rainblaze: -snorts- Nothing you need to worry about.
Mintbreeze: -looks at all of them- Windwing.. what's going on?
Windwing: -snorts and ignores her-
Coperpool: -drags Windfrost and Wispiflower out of sky and into private grove of trees- Go ahead Wispi.
Coperpool: -guards entrance to grove-
Windwing: -breathes a sigh of relief and looks at her-
Mintbreeze: -looks at Rainblaze-Why can't I see my stallion?
Rainblaze: -snorts- He's done with you, Mintbreeze. He loves Wispiflower. -hears Racewind tense up even more-
Racewind: She still has a choice to make.
Rainblaze: -sighs and nods- That's true.
-looks at Junetree and mouths to her- Why did these two have to show up?
Junetree: -mouths back- My exact thoughts
Wispiflower: -feels light headed from pressure-
Rainblaze: -sighs again- My wings are tired, let's land -flies in opposite direction of tree grove and lands-
Mintbreeze: -snorts- I want to see Windwing
Rainblaze: Well, you can't. He might already be taken.
Windwing: -looks at Wispiflower and sighs then looks at Coperpool- I'm gonna give her time -flies out of grove-
Wispiflower: -thinks of how much time she has and feels pressure increase-
Wispiflower: Wait! I've made my desison!
Windwing: -stops and turns around looking at her-
Wispiflower: C'mere.
Windwing: -lands and walks up to her, ears perked-
Wispiflower: -puts wings on his shoulders- Yes!
Mintbreeze: -stomps hoof- Im going to find him. -flies away quickly-
Coperpool: -yells- Junetree, Rainblaze, she said yes!
Windwing: -exhales and relaxes, curling neck over hers-
Rainblaze: -hears him and tears happily- YES!!!!!!!
Wispiflower: -sheds happy tears- I'm so happy!
Mintbreeze: -flies over to Windwing and sees him with Wispiflower- Windwing..... you can't do this! -pins ears- You can't!! I'm the one you belong with! You know this! I'm your lead mare! -pretends to sob- You promised...
Racewind: -flies over to hear what her answer had been-
-sees her with Windwing- What are you thinking Wispiflower? You barely know him!
Junetree: That just shows what you know.
Mintbreeze: -smiled evilly- Perfect. Mintcloud and Windwing, Wispiflower and Racewind. It sounds better.
Racewind: I completely agree with you.
Wispiflower: Isn't half that choices ours?
Windwing: -stands tall, realizing what power he has as over-stallion- I make the decisions.
-pins ears- You don't.
Wispiflower: Anyway, we just became mates, in case you haven't noticed.
Wispiflower: -gives Windfrost (that's all she sees him as,) a little smile-
Windwing: -nickers happily-
Mintbreeze: -stomps hoof and leans into Windwing- Whether you have a mate or not, this isn't the end. I will be your mare, whether you want me to or not. -glances at Racewind and smiled evilly, hoping he catches on-
Racewind: -understands-
-whispers to Windfrost- I think we should get out of their sight.
Windwing: -nods and whispers- Just a sec
-rears over Mintbreeze with ears pinned- GET OUT OF HERE OR I WILL EXECUTE YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
Mintbreeze: -shows no sign of fear but turns around and flies away-
Wispiflower: -remembers he is an over-stallion-
Windwing: -lands and pins ears at Racewind-
Windwing: Leave.
Rainblaze: -whispers to Junetree- Good thing he can do that, order our enemies to leave
Racewind: Fine, I'll leave this time, but I'll be back for my mare!
Windwing: -bares teeth and pins ears, trying to ignore what he said-
Junetree: Yeah, it's a nice thing to have.
Wispiflower: Don't listen to him. I'm yours.
Windwing: -looks at her with fire still blazing in eyes- -exhales and nods- Let's go
Rainblaze: -sighs and sits on hind end- Finally. Took him long enough.
Junetree: Your more related to me than Coperpool!
Coperpool: Hey!
Coperpool: What are you guys gonna do with those two stalking you day and night? You can't fight them off forever.
Windwing: -pins ears- We'll get them away.
Junetree: Enough of all the terrible things about you becoming mates! When shall you make me a foal to play with?!?!!!
-stares at Junetree like she's crazy-
Rainblaze: -nickers-
Junetree: -nickers-
-high fives Rainblaze-
Rainblaze: -highs fives with her and nickers again-
Junetree: 🎵 It's gonna be a perfect day 🎵
Rainblaze: -starts prancing around singing parts of the song-
Junetree: You know me to well Rainblaze.
Junetree: -joins in-
Rainblaze: -nickers and continues to sing-
Windwing: -stares at them like their insane-
-looks at Wispiflower-
Wispiflower: -shrugs- We'll have to keep them happy sometimes I guess.
Windwing: -nods and turns to watch the mares prance and sing- -nickers-
Coperpool: -nickers at Junetree not really caring that Rainblaze was doing it to- Sis, you are really silly.
Junetree: I know! -starts chatting with Rainblaze what the foal would look like- I think that it would be a filly first, now let's come up with a perfect name so they don't have to think to hard. -chats-
Rainblaze: -nickers- I agree, how about something with Frost or Flower in the name?
Windwing: -watches the two mares chat about the foal- -rolls eyes and whispers to Wispiflower- Let's go
-starts to fly into the sky-
Wispiflower: -follows- Where are we going?
Windwing: -looks back at her a nickers- To a place I think you'll like
Wispiflower: Is it much farther?
Windwing: -nickers- You'll see -flies over a huge grove of trees and sees the ocean in the distance-
Wispiflower: -gasps- That's beautiful!
Windwing: -nods- I thought you would like it
Rainblaze: -stops singing and turns around noticing Windwing and Wispiflower were gone- Where did they go?
Wispiflower: Well you were right! Wait, is this where you were taking me?
Windwing: -flies down a cliff and sees the sandy beach below- -flies over it and out over the ocean-
Wispiflower: I'm assuming you've been here before?
-dips wing in a wave-
Windwing: -nods and dives into the water and shoots back up, drenching Wispiflower in water-
Wispiflower. -nickers in delight- -fills wing with water and throws it at him drenching him even more-
Windwing: -snorts playfully and crashed into her softly but enough to make her fall into the water-
Wispiflower: -shoots back up making a huge splash-
Junetree: I feel abandoned.
Windwing: -water hits wing making him loose balance and fall into the water nickering-
Mapleglade: I wonder where they went
Rainblaze: -shrugs and flies into the sky- Should we go find them?
Coperpool: Nah...
Ok sure, let's do it.
Mapleglade: -nods and starts flying towards the ocean-
Rainblaze: -follows- How do we even know that they went this way?
Junetree: Good question, how do we know they went to the beach?
Mapleglade: -shrugs- That's where Windwing has gone most of his life, to the ocean. No doubt he wanted to take Wispiflower too
Junetree: That would be so sweet! I didn't know over stallions were the romantic type.
Rainblaze: -nickers and bobs head up and down-
Junetree: Now I feel jealous.
Coperpool: Someday you might find a patient stallion that somehow loves you, someday.
Rainblaze: -nickers- And Mapleglade and Coperpool MIGHT find a mare someday too.
Mapleglade: -glares at Rainblaze-
Junetree: -whispers to Rainblaze- What was that look for? Who does he like anyway?
Rainblaze: -whispers back- I don't know. Why?
Junetree: I dunno, just curious so I can set him up with the lucky mare.
Rainblaze: (I'm gonna pretend pegasi have eyebrows) -raises eyebrow and gives her a suspicious look-
-whispers- You know I have a feeling you like him.
Junetree: What? No way! I like nobody... Absolutely nobody..
Rainblaze: -snorts- I know that's not true..
Junetree: -huffs- So what if I like him?
Mapleglade: -perks ears and looks at the mares- What are you two talking about?
Rainblaze: -nickers-
Junetree: What do you think?
Coperpool: Ooh! I know I know!!!
Junetree: Be quiet.
Coperpool: No way! I'm gonna tell him.
Rainblaze: -continues to nicker-
Mapleglade: -gives Junetree Coperpool and Rainblaze a confused look-
Junetree: -to stunned that Coperpool actually yelled to make a comment-
Mapleglade: -perks ears and stares at Junetree then Rainblaze and Coperpool in shock-
Wispiflower: -lands on beach nickering- I'm gettin' tired.
Coperpool: Seriously? You didn't expect it?
Rainblaze: -puts wing over Mapleglade's neck- Now do you like her?
Windwing: -nickers and nods- Me too
Mapleglade: -backs up- Well.. I..
Junetree: -tries to say otherwise but is still to shocked-
Mapleglade: -backs away from all of them and shrugs-
Coperpool: Don't be a coward.
Rainblaze: -looks at Mapleglade with a puzzled face- What's wrong?
Mapleglade: -shakes head- Nothing.. I just can't be a part of this
Rainblaze: -stands there shocked- But I thought you loved Junetree!
Junetree: -holds back a nicker partly from nervousness and partly because Mapleglade was being funny-
Wispiflower: I wonder what wild thing they're doing back at the Herd? They as in Junetree and Rainblaze.
Mapleglade: -looks at them confusion- How did I get into this? I'm to young!
Rainblaze: Oh for goodness sakes your 11! Pegasi usually get a mate by age 8! Your behind!
Windwing: -shrugs- Something crazy probably -lays down on course sand and rolls-
-nickers- probably.
-joins him-
Rainblaze: We had to go through this with Windwing, do we know have to with you also?
Mapleglade: -snorts and paws at the ground-
Junetree: -stops nickering-
Coperpool: That's right little sis, this is actual reality!
Wispiflower: -wakes up suddenly on beach- -realizes Windwing has his wing over her then remembers all of the past days events and relaxes-
Wispiflower: -thinks to self- I wonder what those poor stallions suffered last night from Rainblaze and Junetree?
Rainblaze: Do we have to Mapleglade?
Windwing: -shrugs- Probably a lot -nickers-
Rainblaze: -nods and looks at Mapleglade-
Mapleglade: -paws the ground-
Coperpool: Your choice dude.
Mapleglade: -shrugs- I don't know
Wispiflower: Do you wanna head back? Actually to be honest I would want to stay longer but I feel like I have responsibilities back with the Herd.
Windwing: We can still longer, but only a for bit.
Wispiflower: Thank you.
(Mean while,)
Junetree: -thinks to self- Why do I like a. cowardly embraced stallion? They're all the same.. Maybe I'm better single then with one of them.
Coperpool: Hurry with your decision because I think she's starting to reconsider, believe me I would know.
Rainblaze: -snorts and swishes tail back and forth in annoyance- -reads Junetree's thoughts- Some stallions.....
Mapleglade: But why me?! Why do I have to be in this?!
Rainblaze: You've been single to long! Here's your chance!!! TAKE IT!!!
Coperpool: -nickers-
Mapleglade: -bleats like a foal- I never even said anything about wanting a mate! My decision will be made when I want it to
Coperpool: Nuh-uh! It'll be up to all the mares in your life! They'll all help the one that likes the stallion and the stallion will 'fall in love' with the mare by choice or by force. That's just how it goes!
Rainblaze: -nods-
Mapleglade: -snorts and shifts from hoof to hoof knowing that's the truth-
Mapleglade: -looks at them- But I have to make my decision now?! Can't it be tomorrow?
Coperpool: Rainblaze might hurt you if you do it tomorrow!
Rainblaze: -nickers- You know me to well
Coperpool: Yeah, maybe a little to well. -nickers-
Junetree: -listens for once to see if Mapleglade answers to the question-
Rainblaze: -nickers also-
Mapleglade: -snorts- I'm not gonna say anything yet
Coperpool: Ok sis, now I'm actually feeling sorry for you.
Mapleglade: -looks at Junetree and sees the sadness in her eyes- -sighs and starts to feel guilty-
Mapleglade: -looks at Rainblaze and sees the disappointment and anger in her eyes-
Coperpool: -sees the guilt- Yes! Do it! Or my sister will hold a Forever grudge on you.
Mapleglade: -sighs- Fine.. -looks at Junetree- Will you be my mate?
Coperpool: Whaaa?! You give in easier than I thought!
Mapleglade: -snorts-
Junetree: -gapes at him thinking the same thing as her brother said except also thinking of her answer also-
Mapleglade: -falls over-
Junetree: -gallops into sky- I'll give my answer when I get back!
Mapleglade: -watches her leave- Well I probably deserve that
Junetree: -flies all the way to cliff and flies down it slowly-
Wispiflower: -sees Junetree coming down cliff- Hey June!
Windwing: -perks ears- Hey, is something wrong?
Junetree: I need to talk to Wispiflower. And maybe you since it's about your brother?
Windwing: -eyes widen slightly and nods-
Junetree: -continues talking- He kinda just asked me to be his mate and I need advice.
Windwing: -perks ears- Really?
Windwing: -nickers- Hopefully I'm an uncle soon
Junetree: Yup.. WAIT WHAT?!?!!!
Windwing: -nickers-
Wispiflower: Don't be so mean to her. Actually never mind she deserves it.
Windwing: -nickers even more-
Wispiflower: -nickers because now Junetree is making a face-
Junetree: Do I get advice or what?!
Windwing: -falls on the ground nickering-
Wispiflower: -nickers as says- Yeah maybe in a minute
Windwing: -nods and stands up-
Windwing: All the advice I can give you is say yes
Wispiflower: Same here
Junetree: It just makes it seem so easy! I always thought it was hard to deside!
Windwing: -nickers- It is easy! All you have to say in one word: yes
Wispiflower: -gapes- Well, it's not THAT easy, but I definitely think you should say yes. If you wanna wait then you can stay with us for a little while if you want.
Junetree: Maybe I will for a little while.
Coperpool: She's not coming back anytime soon.
Windwing: Yeah that's true.. but take all the time you want Junetree
Rainblaze: -shrugs- you don't know that
Coperpool: She told me when she was a yearling that when a stallion asked her to be his mate she would make him wait for her answer until the next day.
Wispiflower: are ya sure you don't want to go back now?
Junetree: I don't know..
Rainblaze and Mapleglade: -sighs-
Windwing: I'm ready when you are
Junetree: -after few minutes- I guess I'll go back.
Windwing: -nods-
Wispiflower: Let's head back with her.
Windwing: -nods and flies up into the sky-
Junetree: -kicks of and flies back to as fast as she can to give her answer- -arrives ahead of others and lands- My answer is yes if you actually meant what you said.
Windwing: -follows-
Mapleglade: -eyes widen and nods frantically-
Rainblaze: -sighs- Finally..
Wispiflower: -eyes widen- Woah, he's fast.
Windwing: -nods-
Junetree: -gapes- I didn't actually think you were serious!
Mapleglade: -walks up to her- Why wouldn't I be?
Junetree: -rushes to inspect his face and see if he's telling truth- I don't know..
Mapleglade: -stares at her- I mean what I said.
Junetree: I know that... Sorry.. But I meant what I said to, the yes.
Mapleglade: -perks ears and nickers softly-
Rainblaze: -whispers excitedly- Here it goes!
Wispiflower: -whispered back- This is so exciting! Did you remember the popcorn?
Rainblaze: -nickers- I'll go get it! -rushes to get popcorn-
Rainblaze: -comes back- Got it!
Rainblaze: -hands the popcorn to Wispiflower-
Wispiflower: -whispers- thanks! -eats a few mouth fulls-
Junetree: Wait... Is this a dream? Someone tell me so that I won't be disappointed if I wake up.
Wispiflower: Mapleglade you tell er'!
Mapleglade: -nickers- No, it's not a dream.
Junetree: 😱
Coperpool: She always thought she'd be single.
Junetree: -looks at her bro as if asking him to explain further-
Coperpool: -nods- And she also wanted a ceromony if she actually did find a stallion.
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Wispiflower: I think he was serious about the ceremony thingy.
Wispiflower: -corrects- She.
Rainblaze: -throws the left over popcorn over everyone- I'll plan it!!
Junetree: Go right ahead.
Wispiflower: -looks at Windwing- Who do you think's gonna have a foal first?
Rainblaze: Ok! -flies quickly to a grove of trees to plan-
Mapleglade: Now she needs a stallion -looks at Coperpool and nickers-
Coperpool: -sees him looking- -clueless- What?
Wispiflower: OK!!!! Time to start torchering with cruel love jokes!!!
Windwing: -nickers- Is this what the herd is
going to be about now?
Mapleglade: -bobs head -
Wispiflower: No. Well, for the next couple days.
Windwing: -nickers-
Wispiflower: -asks for second time- Who do you think will have a foal first?
Mapleglade: Ummm
Windwing: -shrugs-
Wispiflower + Junetree: -burst out nickering-
Windwing + Mapleglade: -look at each other with wide eyes-
Wispiflower + Junetree: -nickers even harder-
Rainblaze: -comes back and sees the mares bickering- What's going on?
Wispiflower: -manegas to stop nickering for a moment- Ask them!
-continues nickers-
Rainblaze: -looks at Coperpool in confusion-
Rainblaze: -looks at Windwing and Mapleglade-
Windwing: -throws up wings- I'm in no part of this!
Mapleglade: -glares at Wispiflower and Junetree-
Wispiflower + Junetree: -bat their eyelashes- We're completely innocent!
Rainblaze: -looks at the mares again- Sooooooooo what is going on?
Coperpool: They're joking about having foals.
Rainblaze: Ohhh but who's gonna have one first?
Windwing and Mapleglade: -wing palm-
Junetree: That's up to them! -points to the brothers-
Windwing: -snorts-
Mapleglade: -snorts also- You mares are crazy.
Wispiflower: We have our moments. -bursts out nickering-
Windwing: -rolls eyes-
Wispiflower: -takes deep breath and let's it out- Ok, I'm normal now.
Mapleglade: -nickers- You mares are more crazy than I have ever seen before
Junetree: She said that SHE IS BACK TO NORMAL NOW. Just in case you didn't hear her
Mapleglade: -looks at her- You guys are never normal -nickers again-
Junetree: Then why do you want a crazy mare as your mate?!
Mapleglade: That's why I love you
Rainblaze: Awwww!!!!!!
Wispiflower: Wow, didn't know he had the guts to say that.
Windwing: Me neither!
Junetree: -comes over to him and whispers so nobody can hear- I love you to
Wispiflower: -master hearer- Awww! -tells Rainblaze what she said-
Mapleglade: -nickers softly-
-listens to Wispiflower-MAPLETREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR JUNEGLADE!!!!
Junetree: -tomato- I trusted you Wispi.
Wispiflower: Sowy.
Coperpool: Anyways, Rainblaze when will their ceremony happen?!
Junetree: -stink eyes her bro-
Rainblaze: -nickers- The ceremony with be in that grove of trees, I quickly put up decorations made out of vines and yellow leaves and stuck them between to trees. It was perfect! There was a large flat rock where Mapleglade and Junetree will be standing, and Windwing will be behind them, with the vine decorations tied to the trees behind them. Come look!
Rainblaze: And there's a large open area where the whole herd will be as the audience!
Junetree: -gapes- You're fast!
Wispiflower: Do I get to do anythin'?
Rainblaze: -nods- Wispiflower you will be standing by Windwing, since you two- WE HAVE TO HAVE A CEREMONY FOR YOU GUYS TOO!!!!!!!! Change of plans!!
Rainblaze: It will be a double ceremony!!! Coperpool will be the one who says that they are mates, and I'll be.. still figuring that out
Wispiflower: Does that mean that we're not mates if we didn't do the ceremony?
Junetree: You and Coperpool should join us!
Rainblaze: No you guys will never not be mates Wispiflower! It's just a suggestion
Windwing: -immediately gets Junetree's joke and bursts out nickering-
Rainblaze: -turns to him- What are you nickering about?!
Junetree: -nickers- You seriously don't get it?!
Rainblaze: -perks ears- What did you say?
Junetree: I said why don't you and Coperpool come join us?
Coperpool: -tomato-
Rainblaze: -face turns bright bright red- Umm..
Mapleglade: -falls onto the ground nickering-
Junetree: Go on, go bond somewhere. Go on, shoo!
Wispiflower: -falls on ground and nickers like she's crazy-
Rainblaze: -eyes widen- I.. I.. I never said I wanted to...
Windwing: -nickers and starts to choke from nickering so much-
Mapleglade: Oh Rainblaze I know you want to!
Junetree: Coperpool, if you want to, say something!!
Coperpool: -says sarcastically but in heart means it- Sure, why not?
Mapleglade: A triple ceremony!!!!
Junetree: -nickers- I like the sound of that! All in favor say wing! Wing!
Wispiflower: Wing!
Coperpool: You're crazy!
Rainblaze: -nods- We don't even know if we like each other or not!
Mapleglade: -nickers- Coperpool do you like Rainblaze?
Coperpool: Ye- Wait why should I tell you?!
Junetree: As he was saying yes he does.
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Rainblaze: ...
Junetree: BOOM!!! Enough for ya Rainblaze?!
Rainblaze: Well this is awkward...
Coperpool: -starts to creep away then lifts off and starts heading for the cliff so he could hide in the cave-
Junetree: Coppe- Where'd he go? -sees him flying away- AFTER HIM!!!!!
Mapleglade: -nickers and flies after him-
Rainblaze: -shrugs- I'll just stay here
Junetree: NOPE!! Go get him!
Rainblaze: -throws wings up- Now hold on a second! I never even said I like him!
Wispiflower: I'm sorry honey, it's to obvious to hide.
Rainblaze: -snorts- Is today now 'Find Your Mate Day'?!
Mapleglade: -bobs head- Yep
Everyone: Yep!
Rainblaze: -snorts again- Well not for me
Junetree: Are you gonna get him or what?
Rainblaze: -pins ears- No.
Windwing: You'll be sorry
Rainblaze: -stands ground- But he belongs with someone else, not me. (lol I smell like watermelon)
Mapleglade: -rears and gestures to Junetree to grab Rainblaze's wings-
Junetree: -does it gladly and bites down hard- So what if he's still desiding between you and Iceblaze? She obviously just wants to toy with him!
Rainblaze: -tries to get out of their grip- Leave me alone!
Mapleglade: -shakes head and looks at Junetree- Step 1: Don't let go
Step 2: Take her to Coperpool
Junetree: Done. -flies toward Coperpool-
Mapleglade: -lifts Rainblaze up and carries her to Coperpool-
Rainblaze: -tries to kick them- What are you doing?! Just leave me alone! I don't want a mate!
Windwing: -watches them- Should we stay here or take some popcorn and go watch?
Wispiflower: Well, I do like popcorn
Windwing: -nickers and grabs some popcorn-
Wispiflower: -nickers and grabs some popcorn from his bowl- Let's watch this thing!
Junetree: -rolls eyes- You are classically saying that you do.
Mapleglade: -nods-
Rainblaze: But I don't! How come I have to be in this? I'm the one who announces the mate for a Pegasus, not the one who gets a mate!
Junetree: WRONG!! I got set up and I thought that would never happen!
Mapleglade: -nickers- You got set up with the perfect stallion though
Rainblaze: -snorts- I don't want a mate
Junetree: -nickers- Mapleglade, you're right. Rainblaze, YOU ARE WRONG!
Rainblaze: What makes you think I want one?
Mapleglade: It's obvious
Junetree: -nods- So obvious.
Junetree: Anyway, I see him so it's to late to turn back now!
Rainblaze: -starts to try to kick them and bleats like a foal that's being kidnapped-
Mapleglade: -ignores Rainblaze's complaints- I see him too
Coperpool: -turns to see Junetree and Mapleglade carrying Rainblaze- -says to self- Oh well, I'm to late. Gonna have to do something about this even if it means asking her to be my mate. -groans-
Rainblaze: -kicks at Mapleglade and hits his stomach, making him let go of her wing- -screams- LET ME GO!!!!!
Junetree: -ignores the extra weight thrust upon her- No way!
Rainblaze: -spreads open the free wing and turns to Junetree, ready to fight to free the other wing-
Junetree: -bites down harder- Don't you dare!
Mapleglade: -flies back up and grabs Rainblaze's free wing- Gotcha!
Coperpool: -sighs and then says to self- May as well get it over with. -yells- Hey Rainblaze!
Junetree: See? He's literally calling your name!
Rainblaze: -snorts and screams in anger- I DONT WANT A MATE!! I NEVER WANT ONE, AND I NEVER WILL! -lashes out at both Mapleglade and Junetree and makes them let go- -quickly gains wings and bolts high into the sky not looking back-
Coperpool: -feels a pang in his heart- I knew it.
Rainblaze: -ignores them and flies higher-
Coperpool: -feels even worse-
Junetree: He IS my brother you know!
Mapleglade: -snorts- She was born stubborn. But eventually comes around
Coperpool: -flies after her- -yells- Hey, wait up!
Rainblaze: -snorts, not stopping-
Coperpool: -flies faster and hovers in front of her making her stop- Now, what's wrong?
Rainblaze: -pins ears- Why do you want to know?
Coperpool: Because something seemed wrong.
Junetree: -smiles happily- My life's work is finally done. Now I can go be the best battle mare in the entire Prairie Herd army AGAIN.
Rainblaze: Its nothing you need to worry about.
Mapleglade: -nickers- I hope my brother will make me a captain
Coperpool: Yes, it is. It's my fault you got into this mess and now you're upset.
Junetree: 😍 Is what she should be thinking.
Rainblaze: -snorts- I don't want a mate.. yet. I'm not ready. -lowers head- But it's not your fault
Mapleglade: -stomps hoof-
Windwing: -looks up at them- Well this is interesting
Wispiflower: -nods violently- Definitely!
Windwing: Do you think Rainblaze and Coperpool will become mates?
Wispiflower: -nickers- A while ago you said you were against this kind of stuff! But yeah, I think so.
Coperpool: -snorts- Seriously?!
Windwing: -shrugs- That was in the past.
Rainblaze: -looks at him- You're hiding something.
Coperpool: What?
Wispiflower: Ok, good to know!
Rainblaze: -narrows eyes- I can tell.
Coperpool: -in mind panics- What do you want from me exactly?
Junetree: I don't get why the last of my life's work has to take so long!
Rainblaze: -looks at him- Who do you like?
Mapleglade: -nickers- Same
Coperpool: -gapes- Uhhhhh....
Coperpool: -takes very deep breath- You and someone else.
Rainblaze: -nods- Who's the other Pegasus?
Coperpool: .... Iceblaze....
Rainblaze: Ohhhh Iceblaze
Mapleglade: Well... I can't tell if Rainblaze is mad or not...
Coperpool: .. Are you mad?
Coperpool: I can unlike her....
Junetree: Go for it bro!
Rainblaze: -shrugs- Not really.
Rainblaze: -snorts- You can't unlike her, Coperpool. If you like her, and don't want to unlike her, than still like her!
Junetree: He DOESN'T like her!
Wispiflower: It's true, she's just his backup if you don't like him.
Coperpool: -glares at her because that was the truth-
Rainblaze: -looks down at Junetree- That's his decision to make.
Rainblaze: -snorts- I'll be his backup if Iceblaze says no.
Junetree: Nuhuh! Iceblaze is his backup if you say no! And I don't think he's even sure he'd live to ask her if you said no!!
Mapleglade: -nods- When I asked Junetree if she'd be my mate, I couldn't believe it if she said no! How can she resist someone like me? -looks at Junetree with a smirk-
Rainblaze: -rolls eyes-
Junetree: -also rolls eyes but since she loves him she also gives a little smile-
Mapleglade: -nickers-
Junetree: OK, time to get to the point!
Coperpool: Rainblaze, -hesitates for a moment- will you be my mate?
Rainblaze: -sighs- I.. I.. I'm sorry Coperpool. You're a really amazing stallion, but not yet. I need time. -shakes head- No, not yet.
Mapleglade: -stares at them with wide eyes and looks at Windwing who's staring at Rainblaze shocked-
Coperpool: -shakes his head in disbelief- Wh-what?
Wispiflower: What do you mean by 'no'?!
Mapleglade: -whinnies loudly- I hope that's your way of saying yes!!!!
Rainblaze: -lowers head- I- I'm sorry -turns around and quickly flies up higher into the sky-
Junetree: -furious-
-flies to Coperpool- Go boy, fetch!!!!
Coperpool: -rolls eyes but does it anyway because that was his plan-
Wispiflower: Let's stay behind, she probably just wants to be asked in private.
Windwing: -nods- Hopefully
Coperpool: -follows her all the way to Dawn Meadow-
-lands- I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for putting you through that, I should have thought of you're feelings when I did that in front of them.
Wispiflower: Windfrost, -says his original name to get his full attention- can you come here for a second? I have private matters I'd like to discuss.
Rainblaze: -looks at him- I'm not ready Coperpool. Besides, you have Iceblaze. She's perfect for you
Windwing: -nods and follows-
Coperpool: -shakes head- I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I don't think she's the mare for me. She's got WAY to many stallions after her.
Rainblaze: -shrugs- She may, but that doesn't matter. You two are meant to be
Junetree: -yells over miles and miles after reading through all Coperpool's private thoughts- THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coperpool: What she somehow said.
Wispiflower: Just gonna warn you, you might think this is a little silly.
Rainblaze: Maybe you two aren't, but you and some other mare are. I'm sorry that I'm hurting you, but we aren't meant to be.
-flies away quickly hoping he doesn't follow-
Windwing: -nickers- Its okay
Wispiflower: -takes deep breath- I wanted to talk to you about having foals.
Windwing: -perks ears-
Coperpool: -follows-
Wispiflower: Well?
I screamed XD
Aw shucks 😊
Thanks!!! I love ur story!!!
I love your enthusiasm.
Yeah! I love it!!
Btw Riverbreeze I totally and completely agree with you!! I'm practically obsessed with it!
Thanks guys! And tomato is a little joke that Rainfeather came up with. It basically like when you turn red.
Young Love!!! x sighs x Such a beautifull thing
SO!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!! I LOVED JUNETREE!!!!! x died of laughter x THAT WAS SOOOO AMAZING
anyways the part that i did read was amazing!!!!!
Didn't read it all i get frustrated sometimes and i wanted to know what tomato means
And more! I left them with the cliffhanger we had at (in your time) 4 o'clock yesterday.
We've done THAT MUCH?!