Dreamdrop: -turns around slowly, head high- My parents........... died for me but I have no reason to be here anymore than to fight and die the same as them
Darkfire: They saved you for a reason Dreamdrop. Ever thought of that? You are here to make them proud. Don't let your guilt and anger hold you back from that
Silverglaze: x can't take it anymore x Hey! :D
x nuzzles x
Darkfire: .-.
Darkfire: x puts one hoof infront of the other neck arched x I better train the...... stallions? x flies back to the herd x
Dreamdrop: x stares at him- I have to go...... I think x flies away slowly x
Sunwave: x watches x
Riverbreeze: x ears flick towards them, her expression discouaraged x
Silverglaze: x flies next to him x Want me to help?
Darkfire: Er...... You should join the battle mares
Silverglaze: I'm a sky herder silly c:
Darkfire: Right.
Silverglaze: So am I helping you or what? I can quiet down the stallys x winks x
Darkfire:........x sighs x Fine... T_T
Silverglaze: Good c: x talks to him and annoys him and asks him questions the whole time he taught the troops :L X
Riverbreeze: x gets annoyed by Silverglaze and walks over x "Silverglaze, leave Darkfire alone. Can't you see he's trying to teach the battle stallions?"
Silverglaze:........yes .-.
Dreamdrop: -she landed beside a pond when Sunwave trotted up-
Sunwave: Is that silly excuse for a Captain bothering? -he said ready to go beat him up-
Dreamdrop: -glares at him- Why do you care and No
Sunwave: -looks at her with charming eyes- I just wanna make sure you're okay -he said softly-
Dreamdrop: -glares and stands up- Well I have to go -flys away back to the battle mares-
Darkfire: x nickers at Riverbreeze with a bow of his head thanking her x
Silverglaze:.......x sees his ezpression x I guess i'll just continue then ;3
Darkfire: ;-;
Dreamdrop: -lands beside battle mares and ignores them all as they stare at her and whisper gossip and secrest to one another. She sat down and saw Rivergreeze. Feeling guilty, she trotted over to her- Hey I wasn't trying to be hostile i just have problems trutsting pegasi :3 Sorry
Riverbreeze: -she turned away from Darkfire- It's okay. I know loosing family can be difficult -she said, her eyes kind
Dreamdrop: -shoots head back- You know about that?????? Aye........ -head hangs low and she trots away. The more it was mentioned the more it hurt-
Darkfire: x nickers, glad they forgave eachother x
Darkfire: YEA!
Silverglaze: Quiet down now. you don't want to executed do you bud? ;)
Under-stallion: You're right x he said x
Darkfire: Thank you. Both of you two can scan the terrain x points to the two under-stallions x And the rest of you gaurd the over-stallion x when they were all off he sat down and relaxed x
Silverglaze: x sits next to him x
Darkfire: # No break ;-;
Riverbreeze: -she turned back to Silverglaze, Riverbreeze wasn't the biggest mare, but she was sure determined. SHe stamped her hoof- As you can Darkfire is busy and tired. So leave him alone -she said slightly angry-
Dreamdrop: -sits alone and thinks to hard and too long-
Sunwave: -looks at her but leaves her alone-
Silverglaze: .....
Riverbreeze: -swishes tail, waiting for her response
Dreamdrop: -she trotted and paced still thinling way to hard and way toooo long-
Silverglaze: I'm helping you, and WHY DO YOU CARE!!!!!! >:O
Dreamdrop: -how can everyone know me and know my story? She thought. There was an obvious answer but she didn't know what it was and continued to pace-
Riverbreeze: "No. You're not helping. And, I care because Darkfire is my friend and is trying to work. All you're doing is asking him obnoxious questions and making me annoyed :/." -she sternly said-
Dreamdrop: -She stopped and looked up. If she was so well know she had to get away and erase her story and reputation. She galloped across the plains and was at the edge of the territory in no time-
Silverglaze:.......Do you think that Darkfire? x she said batting her eyes x
Silverglaze:.....Oh.....I'll go...... :( x pretends to be hurt and gallops to the herd x
Darkfire: :/
Dreamdrop: x she was at the edge of the territory and crossed over into a thick wood with the trees all close around eachother x
Riverbreeze: x groans and rolls her eyes and walks over to Darkfire x I'm sorry she's such a pain
Darkfire: x lowers his voice but not so low it was a whisper x Mhm
Dreamdrop: x she then thought for a moment and decided to live in the wood where no one could find her. Why would they even bother too....... SHe thought x
Silverglaze: x walks pouty and naughty and went to the herd x >:C
Dreamdrop: x she then thought again for a moment and sighed. She had responsabilities and turned around to head back the way she came, but which was that? She couldn't tell the thick wood from any side apart and worry crept in to make things worse x
Riverbreeze: x grazes. She was finished with her spy training so, now, she had nothing to do. Bored, she kikced up and flew up into the clouds x
Darkfire: x doesn't loose his calm attitude but is curious x Where did Dreamdrop go?
Dreamdrop: x she crept through ther lightest area but she was only drifting farther away from the herd x