Wispiflower: -follows, keeping pace perfectly- So, got any idea why Racewind keeps going after a hopeless cause?
Rainblaze: I have no idea
Racewind: -paces in a cave far above the crevice they made a prison- -looks at Mintbreeze- How much longer do we wait? I can’t stand it much longer. I need revenge. They stole our colt from us and turned him against us!
Wispiflower: -ears droop- Can I confess something?
Wispifrost: You wouldn’t be intruding any more then you already have. And I wouldn’t even call it intruding. I like telling you things. It’s... nice. -blushes-
Mintbreeze: I don’t care about that colt! He didn’t get me Windwing! Why should I care about him? I’ll go get Windwing myself. Once and for all. I can’t stand it -flies out of the cave- (Oof. That was hard to type.)
Rainblaze: -perks ears- Of course
Crimsonwind: Really?
Racewind: -tries not to react to this- -focuses on anger and plans of revenge-
Mintbreeze: -scans the ground for Windwing-
Wispiflower: I feel so heartbroken about avoiding Windwing. But... I can’t be sure if he’s being controlled. Do you think he is? If not, I think I would feel even worse. -tear falls from eye-
Wispifrost: -blushes deeper- Yeah.... -can’t help a tiny smile-
Rainblaze: -kind of gapes at her but blinks a bit and thinks- I dont think he’s being controlled... he’s just scared and confused. He was sick with that plant that somehow makes us go mad, but he and Whitefrost are both cured. I’m sure he’s still healing though
Crimsonwind: -smiles a bit too-
Wispiflower: -stifles a sob- Oh. -sees the waterfall- Oh, we’re here.
Wispifrost: -clears throat of the words she almost said, knowing her sire would not like them, and neither would Whitefrost- So, first I guess we should discuss exactly what happened in the first place. -blushes again at the memory of feeling Crimsonwind’s wing over her back and feels chills-
Rainblaze: -realizes Wispiflower is heartbroken-
-stammers a bit- Oh- I- I didn’t mean it like that.. -doesn’t know what to say-
Wispiflower: No, it’s okay. Come on. -lands at the waterfall’s side-
Rainblaze: -sighs and lands next to her- Here it is
Crimsonwind: I guess -notices her blushing and turns slightly pink also-
Wispifrost: So... why did you do it?
Crimsonwind: Oh.. um.. do what?
Crimsonwind: -tries to act like he doesn’t know what she means-
Wispifrost: You know... put your ummm... wing on my back. -turns bright red and looks down to avoid his gaze-
Crimsonwind: Oh.. to, um, keep you warm! -feels the hot summer sun on his back and realizes thats the worst excuse-
Wispifrost: Isn’t it um... rather hot out?
Crimsonwind: -paws the ground nervously- Um.. Wispifrost.. I was kinda wondering, who do you like?
Wispifrost: -bites back a “You!”- Why?
Crimsonwind: Just wondering... I’ll tell you who I like if you tell me who you like
Wispifrost: -perks ears- Will you be honest?
Crimsonwind: -bites lip- I’m gonna have to be. Will you?
Wispifrost: I dunno if I want to tell...
Crimsonwind: -tucks tail between legs- Alright, I’ll say first... I.. umm... -starts to prance in place- This is harder than I thought it’d be...
Crimsonwind: You won’t make fun of me if you don’t like me back?
Crimsonwind: -realizes what he just said-
Wispifrost: -pales, realizing what he just said too- You... like me??
Crimsonwind: Maybe..
Wispifrost: I... like you too. -turns from pale as a ghost to as red as a tomato-
Crimsonwind: -sighs in relief- Good, now I’m not to embarrassed
Wispifrost: ... -can’t think of what to say- -tries not to blush so she doesn’t end up looking like a red roan- So... you actually like me? -double checking to make sure it’s not a huge prank-
Crimsonwind: Well, ya.. I mean, why wouldn’t I?
Wispifrost: Do you mean like like?
Crimsonwind: -perks ears- I guess
Wispifrost: I didn’t think ANYONE liked me... I’m not extra pretty or anything.
Crimsonwind: -smiles/smirks, knowning she’s playing with him but plays along- What makes you say that?
Wispifrost: I dunno.... nobody’s ever said I’m pretty, and if I was I expect someone would have said so.
Crimsonwind: They’re speechless when they look at you, you’re that beautiful. -says casually but smiles-
Wispifrost: -blushes hard- R-really? -smiles shyly back-
Crimsonwind: Why wouldn’t you be?
Wispifrost: -shrugs, still smiling at the compliment- Ever hear how fillies tend to think that they’re ugly?
Crimsonwind: No, but why?
Wispifrost: I dunno, we just assume I guess because we have seen ourselves from all angles, inside and out.
Wispifrost: -inwardly wishes she were a better pegasus-
Crimsonwind: Trust me, you aren’t ugly
Wispifrost: -blushes a pretty rose pink- Thanks. -drags hoof through the dirt- -hesitates, then nuzzles him and pulls back, the same rose pink in her complexion-
Crimsonwind: -smiles and nuzzles back, then turns around- We better head back to your sire
Wispifrost: -nearly has a heart attack when she remembers she had an overly protective sire, dam, and brother- We can’t! I mean... Let me re-phrase that. My sire will kill you, literally if he finds out we like each-other.
Crimsonwind: -stops- Oh. True. Well, wanna keep it a secret then?
Wispifrost: I think that would be the safest thing to do for now. -takes his wing in hers- but we’ll tell someone. Someday. Maybe when we’re 3?
Coperpool: -comes back for Windwing- All clear. You can talk with Junetree about Wispiflower now.
Crimsonwind: -smiles- Sounds good
Windwing: Alright.. -looks around and spots the mare-
-trots up to her- Junetree? Can I ask you something? -doesn’t see Mapleglade there-
Mapleglade: -spots his brother trotting up to them- Hello! I’m here too!
Junetree: -nods, but looks wary- It’s about Wispiflower, isn’t it?
Windwing: Yeah..
Junetree: -sighs- Okay, which part would you like to cover first? The fact that she suspects that you’re being mind controlled or you’re still being affected by that dumb weed, or how to get her to listen to you civilly without leaving?
Wispifrost: Soooo.... I guess this makes us a secret couple. -shy smile-
Windwing: Why does she think I’m possessed?! Yeah, I was under that stinkin’ weed, but seems we all are! She jumps to conclusions to quick, figures “Oh! They’re undercontrol of something. I’ll ditch them.”
-practically yells- What is wrong with that mare!?
Mapleglade: -stares at Windwing, eyes huge-
Windwing: -continues with rant- She acts as if everything is wrong with ME. She wonders why I’m mad, its because of her. She wonders why we misunderstand each other, and its because of her dumb, depressed thoughts! -takes a breath and says in a somewhat deep, angry voice- I’m done with her. -opens wings and flies off-
Mapleglade: -whinnies loudly- Windwing! -stares at Junetree, eyes wide and jaw dropped-
(Is he serious?!?!)
Crimsonwind: -smiles- Ye-
-perks ears and hears yelling and a frantic whinny- -looks at her- Did you hear that..?
Wispifrost: -heard the whole conversation- -nods slowly- Did you hear what they said...?
Junetree: -stares after Windwing like he turned into a maniac- Is he........ serious?
Mapleglade: -mumbles from shock- I hope not..
Junetree: Me too. What should we do?!
Maytree: -had witnessed the whole thing- Um, was he talking about....... -stops talking and hugs parents- Never do that.
Mapleglade: -nuzzles his filly- I’ll do everything I can to prevent that
Junetree: Me too. -hugs them both tight-
Maytree: I love you guys.
Mapleglade: -lays wings over them and squeezes them lightly, then backs out of the circle- I hate to break this up, but I have to go find Windwing. When he gets angry like that, you never know what he’s gonna do -opens wings and takes off after him-
But yep thanks. And no worries! It’ll all be fiiiine.... I think.... Depends on what kind of crazy ideas Cass gets when we’re rping lol.
Did you read 32?
YASS ROMEO AND JULIET.... and what the heck is Windwing thinking?? Great job.