Windwing: -huffs- I would never let her have me. I just wanna get out of here
Wispiflower: Then why don’t we go the way we planned so that Mintbreeze gets no credit for our escape and can’t do anything?
Windwing: Can’t we just go now? She can’t do anything to us, her “army” isnt big enough
Wispiflower: -considers this- ....Well, I guess whatever we do, we've got to do it together. Okay I'll go get the foals.
(😥😢 Wispiflower just doesn't want to fight with him anymore so she's agreeing to the death of her and Windwing... 😢)
Windwing: -nods-
(Poor Wispiflower.... Windwing has been hard on her now that you mention it....)
Wispiflower: -stays strong and doesn't let the tears slip out- -trots toward Whitefrost first- Whitefrost? -blinks- What are you doing? -blinks again as she takes in that her colt has just been laying around for two whole days-
Whitefrost: -looks up- Yeah?
Wispiflower: Where have you been for the past two days?
Whitefrost: -shrugs-
Wispiflower: -shakes surprise out of her head- Anyway, we're leaving now. Your sire talked with Mintbreeze. -disgusted face for the word "Mintbreeze"-
Wispiflower: Have you seen your sister?
Whitefrost: Why would he do that??
Wispiflower: -throws wings into the air helplessly- It's beyond me! But he didn't consult anyone before he did it!
Wispiflower: Anyway, have you seen your sister?
Whitefrost: -shakes head-
Wispiflower: Then can you help me find her please?
Whitefrost: Yeah -slowly gets up but looks down at the grass, spotting a sweet-smelling flower-
-perks ears and nibbles at the leaves then rips it out of the ground and starts chewing-
Wispiflower: -narrows eyes- Don't eat strange herbs that you have never seen before. You could get sick!
Whitefrost: -herb instantly kicks in- -pins ears, unafraid of back-talking to his dam- I can eat what I want!
Wispiflower: No, you can't. But please cool it, and help me find your sister.
Whitefrost: You go find her!
Wispiflower: I don't know what's bothering you, but don't you start this too. It's enough with your father being on edge. -sighs- Go find your sire and stay with him. I'll find Wispifrost by myself. -trots off in the direction where Wispifrost is playing hide and seek with Crimsonwind-
Wispifrost: You seek first.
Whitefrost: -snorts and stomps off to his sire-
Crimsonwind: Okay,
-covers eyes with wings- one.. two.. three..
Wispifrost: -hides in a dark tree-
Crimsonwind: -finishes at 30 seconds and opens wings- Ready or not here I come! -lifts off the ground-
Wispifrost: -accidentally lets a giggle escape her- -covers muzzle with wing quickly-
Crimsonwind: -perks ears and smiles- -heads towards where the sound came from-
Crimsonwind: -lands and walks through the forest, glancing at every tree-
Wispifrost: -let's another giggle slip loose-
Crimsonwind: -perks ears again and trots to the sound- -puts head through the tree hole and nickers- Found ya
Windwing: -paces back and forth, occasionally stopping to nibble at a plant- -pins ears at the thought of Wispiflower’s ridiculous plan-
Mapleglade: -walks up to his brother- Are you okay?
Windwing: -pins ears and glares at Mapleglade- Get out of my way! I dont need to hear your useless lecture!
Mapleglade: -eyes widen- Windwing?
Windwing: -flares nostrils and starts to walk towards his brother- Get out of here!
Mapleglade: -backs up, jaw dropped- What happened? Bro? Are you okay?
Windwing: -opens wings and rears, ready to attack-
Mapleglade: -pins ears- Windwing, I dont know what happened to you, but you need to knock it off. -opens wings and lifts off, quickly flying away-
Mapleglade: -spots Wispiflower and lands next to her- Do you know whats wrong with Windwing?
Wispiflower: -stops her steady trot to find her filly- No, and I don't particularly want to. Why?
Mapleglade: He tried attacking me! I dont understand why. -turns to see Whitefrost stomping towards him- -perks ears- Hey buddy
Whitefrost: -glares at his uncle- Dont talk to me!
Mapleglade: -eyes widen again- Him too?
Wispiflower: I guess. -sighs wearily- I hope this is just a short phase everyone is going through.
Wispifrost: -squeals when his head breaks through the leaves then goes into a fit of uncontrollable giggles- Yeah, you found me -still can't stop giggling-
Wispiflower: -looks at her colt- Whitefrost, What has gotten into you?!
Mapleglade: Hopefully
Crimsonwind: -nickers- Your it!
Whitefrost: Thats none of your business!
Mapleglade: -pins ears- Whitefrost, you dont speak to your mother like that!
Whitefrost: Who are you to tell me what to do?!
Wispiflower: -watches in shock-
Wispifrost: -begins to count to 20-
Mapleglade: Whitefrost, I dont know whats wrong with you, but you need to cut it out- now! Your behavior to your dam and I is intolerable. And if you snap back like you do again then that’s it!
Crimsonwind: -bolts through the forest and dives into a bush-
Wispifrost: 18..... 19.... 20!!! Ready or not, here I come! -sniffs the air and finds his scent- -follows it-
But thank you!
I cannot comment, because if I do I’ll probably give every possible spoiler xD
Awesome!!! And I think Nightmist is on the right track here
WE STARTED AGAIN PEOPLE, BE PREPARED FOR MORE EPISODES/CHAPTERS IN FUTURE!!!!! YASSSS I AM SO HAPPY!!!! We were paused for a little while so, just super happy to have it running again.