Windwing: -winces but bites Racewind’s neck, tasting blood-
Windwing: -lifts off again and uses hooves to slice Racewind’s back-
Racewind: -rears and attempts a death blow but missed by an inch-
Windwing: -knows that was to close and flies behind Racewind, grabbing his tail-
Wispiflower: -wracking brain- I cannot remember!
Windwing: -lands to stay balanced and quickly throws Racewind away from him but only about 2 feet away-
Whitefrost: Whoever wins will be your mate. -understands the stallions way of things-
Racewind: -roars in frustration- You are going down! -gallops towards him attempting another death blow-
Wispiflower: I know... -keeps trying to remember anyway-
Windwing: -turns around and sends back hooves towards Racewind and hears a crack, thinking he hit the stallions muzzle-
Windwing: -turns around quickly and rears again-
Racewind: -stumbles from the pain on his shoulder and realizes it was streaming with fresh blood-
Windwing: -knows this is his chance and rams the unprepared stallion, sending him to the ground-
Racewind: -evil smile- To late.
Stallions: -take hold of Wispiflower and fly her out of the valley-
Windwing: -doesnt look- They may have taken her, but I will finish you! -rears again and sends sharp front hooves to Racewind’s gut-
Wispiflower: -screams from the pain in her shoulders- -turns really pale as she remembers who her real mate is- WINDWING!!!!!!!
Windwing: -backs away and scans the stallion, not sure if he was dead or not-
Windwing: -dares not to turn around but feels stabbed in the heart from hearing Wispiflower scream-
Mintbreeze: -flies over the valley and sees two foals, Windwing, and a collapsed stallion-
-lands and notices its Racewind- -stands there a little shocked-
Wispiflower: -screams again, still really pale from realization-
Windwing: -pins ears at Mintbreeze- Dont even try.
Whitefrost: -gallops towards Windwing- Father! Mother’s gone!
Racewind: -stirs- -shoots to his hooves and flies after the stallions- Finally -evil smile-
Windwing: I know. Go back to Mapleglade and Junetree with Wispifrost. And stay there.
Wispifrost: -reluctantly says- But uclie Mapleglade isn’t with auntie Junetree!
Windwing: -groans and chases after Racewind- -whinnies to Whitefrost again- Go!
Whitefrost: -nods and bolts back to his aunt- Follow me!
Wispifrost: -bolts after him-
Windwing: -quickly catches up to Racewind and rams him in the side, sending him twirling in the sky-
Windwing: This isnt finished Racewind!!
-bolts after the stallions and Wispiflower-
Racewind: -regains wings and flies in the direction of Wispiflower to throw him away-
Whitefrost: -lets Wispifrost get ahead of him-
Racewind: -bolts ahead and takes her by one wing, hanging her there in his mouth- Don’t get nearer or I will drop her!
(Yeah right Racewind)
Windwing: -catches up quickly and pushes himself through the flying stallions and whinnies to Wispiflower- Be ready to fly!
Wispiflower: -moans- I can’t! He will drop me to my death!
Windwing: -rams Racewind-
Racewind: -drops her by accident and gasps-
Windwing: Wispiflower! You have wings!! We’re high up! FLY!!
Wispiflower: -passes out-
Windwing: -rockets after her and gently knocks her head with hoof but enough to wake her up hopefully- FLY!!!!!!!!!
Mapleglade: -walks calmly away and looks up into the sky, suddenly seeing many stallions and Wispiflower falling towards him-
Wispiflower: -still passed out-
Windwing: -sees Mapleglade and whinnies- HELP ME CATCH HER! -grabs her wing-
Mapleglade: -flies up and grabs the mare’s free wing-
Windwing and Mapleglade: -gently set her down on the grass-
Wispiflower: -lays there unconscious for two days-
Whitefrost: -wakes up curled up next to Wispifrost, Junetree, and Maytree-
Wispiflower: -blinks- Where-
(Three hours. We have been texting for THREE HOURS.)
(New record!)
(Lol Yeah!)
Windwing: -looks up into the sky expecting Racewind to come at any moment-
Mapleglade: -guards the mare- We’re still in the valley, captured
Maytree: -kicks him thinking he is a bad guy- Oops! Sorry!
Wispiflower: Oh, right. -remembers the events of two days ago- -flies to her feet- I’m so sorry! -hugs Windwing and sobs- I really wanted to remember, so I just shut out everything else...
Whitefrost: -groans-
Maytree: Sorry!
Windwing: -nickers- Its ok
Windwing: -winces a bit as she squeezes some of his closing wounds-
Wispiflower: -shakes head- No, it’s really not. I should have trusted you.
Wispiflower: -lets go- Oops, sorry
Windwing: -breathes out gratefully- You hit your head and forgot things, there’s a good excuse. Everything is fine
Whitefrost: -nods and opens eyes-
Wispiflower: -shrugs- If you say so. -nuzzles him and exchanged breath- I’m just glad I remembered because, -pauses- Never mind.
Maytree: You’re not gonna try to get me back are you? -scoots away warily-
Windwing: -exchanges breath as well- Nothing serious happened, it’s all good
Whitefrost: -wacks her head with long wing gently and smirks-
Junetree: -sniffles as she rises to her hooves- I’ll be right back guys -goes to find Mapleglade-
Maytree: -glares- I’ll get you back later.
Whitefrost: -nickers-
Junetree: -finds him right away and pulls him to the side- You need to know something before it gets to be a big deal again.
Mapleglade: What?
You’re about to get two more!
I don't usually read these, no offense, but this one was AWESOME!!!!! And I like that you were texting for so long XD