Whitefrost: -looks at Coperpool- Wheeere mamma? And fatheer?
Coperpool: They’re, uhhhh.... Somewhere.
Junetree: Aw, she likes you!
Mapleglade: In a strange kind of way
Whitefrost: -narrows eyes- Where?
Coperpool: Umm.. Rainblaze you tell him.
Rainblaze: -stares at him and mouthes- I dont know!
Whitefrost: -looks at her and stomps hoof- I’m hungry.
Coperpool: -mouths- Me neither. We are in DEEP trouble.
Rainblaze: -nods- Junetree? She might have enough milk for three?
Whitefrost: -starts to walk away from them in search for his sire and dam-
Coperpool: -grabs the colts wing in his mouth- Let’s go back and check.
Whitefrost: -squeals and kicks at him-
Rainblaze: Whoa Whitefrost! Calm down they’ll be here soon!
-mouthes to Coperpool again- He’s gonna be the naughty one...
-nickers- Cool!
-prances happily through The firefly patch and makes them dissolve and reform-
Coperpool: -mouths Back- Oh yeah. -lifts the colt onto his back and flies back towards his sister-
Whitefrost: -whinnies and tries to stand put looses balance and falls back down onto Coperpool’s back with front and back legs spread apart on each side of Coperpool’s back-
Coperpool: -nickers- Stay put buddy. -makes it back to Junetree with a reluctant Wispifrost coming close behind with Rainblaze- Um sis, do you mind-
Junetree: Sure why not. -plops onto her side to let the three nurse-
Wispifrost: -trots up eagerly-
Junetree: Mapleglade she likes you in a totally normal way.
Junetree: Anddd.. For her name how about.. Maytree?
Whitefrost: -struggles to get off and starts sliding down- -whinnies loudly in fear of falling and milk cravings-
Mapleglade: -grabs Whitefrost’s wing and uses head to lower him to the ground-
Whitefrost: -stares at his uncle and nibbles at his muzzle-
Mapleglade: -nickers and leads him to Junetree- -looks at his mate and foal- That name is perfect! It fits her too
-remembers- Oh my goodness we need to get back! It is so late! I promised Junetree I would be back by now! -panics-
Windwing: -nickers and jumps into the sky- Then lets go
Wispiflower: -nods- Thank you. Just thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
Windwing: -nods and tugs on her mane- Race ya -bolts towards the herd-
Whitefrost: -sniffs his aunt and looks at her- Mama?
Mapleglade: -nickers- She is your aunt, your mama will be back soon
Junetree: Yeah I am auntie
(Mean while..)
Mintbreeze: -three hours later- -stares at her new foal and whispers to Ashfrost- Good, now I have proof for Windwing that this is his foal..
Mapleglade: And I’m your uncle
Racewind: What was that?
Wispifrost: -cocks
head at him- Are you Daddy’s sister?
Mintbreeze: -lies- Nothing
Mapleglade: -nickers- Brother
Mapleglade: Your father and I dont have a sister
Wispifrost: -cocks head even more- But you look like a mare
Rainblaze: -tries not to burst out laughing- Mapleglade... you just got told by a foal
Mapleglade: -pins ears and snorts-
Wispifrost: -looks from one to the other- What I say?
Rainblaze: Something awesome! -holds out wing to give Wispifrost a wing-five-
Wispifrost: -shrugs to herself and high-wings Rainblaze while wondering what she had said- Okayyy...
Whitefrost: -looks at his sister- What haapened?
Windwing: -lands in front of the grove and whinnies to Wispiflower- I win!
Whitefrost: -perks ears- Father?!
Wispiflower: -lands just behind him and pulls his tail- You could have given me a head start!
Wispifrost: I don’t know. -perks ears when she hears her mama’s voice-
Windwing: -nickers and walks in-
Whitefrost: Father!
-gallops towards Windwing and almost crashes into him-
Windwing: -nickers- Hey there buddy
Wispiflower: -comes in right behind him with the motherly instinct to make sure her foals are safe, fed, and happy-
Wispifrost: -whinnies- Mama! -gallops to her dam’s side-
Windwing: -turns to Wispiflower- Our foals are hungry. -leads Whitefrost to her-
Whitefrost: -trots to his dam and searches for milk-
Wispiflower: Well hi there buddy!
-watches as he and Wispifrost drink the warm milk- -nuzzles both of them gently-
-accidentally flicks tail and hits his mama’s face-
Wispiflower: -nickers- Silly.
Junetree: -happily watches as the twins stop draining her of three times more food than she wanted to give up- -pushes Maytree away gently and stands up shakily- Mapleglade you are in charge I am going to graze! -says really fast-
Mapleglade: What?!
Mapleglade: Take her with you!
Junetree: -yells over her shoulder- Learn to deal with responsibility!
Mapleglade: -snorts- You need to learn as much as i do!
Junetree: Weren’t you watching? I just did! -zooms away-
Junetree: -plunged muzzle into the grass and takes a huge, really huge mouthful-
Mapleglade: -shouts back- HOW IS GOING TO EAT BEING RESPONSIBLE?!
Rainblaze: -shakes head- Mapleglade you’re spooking her
Junetree: Okay Mapleglade darling. List of ways eating is the responsible thing to do:
1 It feeds me and I use some of that food for milk for Maytree
2 If I don’t eat I will die
3 Eating is just plain sensible.
Mintbreeze: -looks at her new foal- Isn’t it beautiful?
Mapleglade: -snorts, knowing she won- WHATEVER
Junetree: Thank you! -goes back to taking huge mouthfuls of grass because she hadn’t eaten since yesterday-
Mintbreeze: -looks at the colt- Name suggestions?
Ashfrost: Um......
Mapleglade: -nibbles at some grass shoots and watches Maytree out of the corner of his eye-
Racewind: How about something starting with crimson?
Mintbreeze: -nods but doesnt look at her mate- Sure. -whispers to Ashfrost- Obviously Windwing’s name has to be in my colt’s name.
-looks at Racewind- Crimsonwind? After you? -lies-
Maytree: -sniffs curiously at a flower-
-sneezes when she gets pollen in her nostrils and looks at Mapleglade, blinking her huge, adorable, puppy-like eyes at him-
Mapleglade: -looks at her- You are a curious one arent you -nickers-
Racewind: -not buying it but likes the name- Sure
Ashfrost: -nods to her- Well i got to go its up to you now -flies away-
Mintbreeze: -stands up and lets Crimsonwind nurse-
Maytree: -carefully walks over to her sire and plops next to him, absorbing his body warmth and falling asleep-
Mapleglade: -nickers and nuzzles the filly-
Coperpool: -plops to the ground next to Rainblaze- -notices she has changed somehow- Rainblaze are you okay?
Rainblaze: -looks at him- Yeah.. why??
Coperpool: -shrugs wings- I don’t know.. You just.. you look different.
Rainblaze: How? What changed?
Maytree: -stirs a bit at his touch but goes right back to sleep, putting her head on his wing-
Coperpool: I don’t know.. -totally knows but also knows she would be insulted if he said this the wrong way- Umm.. you’ve gotten.. you’ve grown?
Rainblaze: -cocks head at him- Are YOU okay?
Mapleglade: -smiles and closes eyes-
Wispiflower: -pushes Whitefrost and Wispifrost away gently so she could eat a bit herself- Windwing, I need you to watch the twins for me while I go graze.
Coperpool: -gives in- What I Meant was you’ve gotten more plump. -instantly feels a pang Of guilt because he knows mares are very emotional when a pegasus says they are over weight-
Rainblaze: What do you mean plump?
Windwing: -nods-
Rainblaze: -looks at herself-
Junetree: -comes back from grazing and sees Maytree and Mapleglade-
-smiles to herself and plops down on the other side of Mapleglade, putting her head by his and nuzzles him and their filly before closing her eyes as well-
Coperpool: -doesn’t know what to do- I don’t know what I mean, I just don’t know. I mean, it doesn’t look like you gained weight from eating or anything but you to look plumper.
Rainblaze: I dont feel any different...
Mapleglade: -lays head across Junetree’s neck and falls asleep-
Coperpool: Well, you said that a few moons ago, and you were kinda plump then, now you still say the same thing and you look plumper. Pineberry taught us about this phase when we were foals remember? This is a sign that a mare is with more than one...
Rainblaze: -widens eyes and backs away- Oh no oh no oh no I’m not ready!
Rainblaze: I know nothing about motherhood!
Coperpool: -puts wings on her shoulders- Don’t panic, please don’t panic. We will work through it together, because that’s what mates do. We can do this. You can do this. You are the strongest mare I know Rainblaze, I just know you will be just as good at being a mother, just like you are as a mate.
Rainblaze: -smiles and looks at him, speechless-
Coperpool: -nuzzles her affectionately-
Wispiflower: -comes back from grazing and realizes it must be about 10pm at night as she comes upon Windwing, Whitefrost, and Wispifrost all laying together on the grass- -nuzzles Windwing and lays down with the three, placing her wing over the two foals and lays neck over her mate’s-
Rainblaze: -sighs- I dont want any foals yet...
Coperpool: -pats her on the back understandingly- I know, I know. But like I said, we will get through this together, you won’t be alone.
Rainblaze: -looks at him and nickers softly-
Coperpool: -looks at the sky- Um, it’s getting kinda late. We better go to bed.
Rainblaze: -nods and lays down-
Rooster: Kaka-doodle-doo!
Junetree: -stretches- -jumps a little when she sees Maytree but then remembers- Aw, hello little one.
Mapleglade: -pins ears but keeps eyes closed- Shh!
Junetree: -rolls eyes but knows this time he is right-
-whispers- Fine.
Mapleglade: -falls back asleep-
Maytree: -stirs a bit then wakes up and licks Mapleglade on the muzzle-
Mapleglade: -nickers softly and opens eyes slightly, looking at the filly-
Maytree: -stops for a second when she sees her sire move but then just keeps on licking his muzzle-
Mapleglade: -perks ears and nudges her gently away- -nickers- You’ve licked enough
Mapleglade: -stands up and nudges her neck with muzzle- Time to get up and eat
Mapleglade: -looks at Junetree- You too! Get up! The filly is hungry!
-acts serious but is joking-
Windwing: -opens eyes and realizes he was alseep- -turns to the twins- -nudges them both to get them up-
-whinnies softly- Time to get up you two
Maytree: -nudges her mother with puppy eyes- Maaammaaa uuuuupp.
Junetree: -shoots up and instantly says- I told you so! I told you she would say my title first! -stands up to let their filly nurse-
Maytree: -nurses eagerly-
Mapleglade: When did she say that?
Junetree: Right now!
Mapleglade: -rolls eyes-
Maytree: -stops nursing to defend her mother- Stoooop dadddyyy.
Mapleglade: You can’t tell me to stop -says in a joking way-
Maytree: Stooop or mamaaa isss myy favoriiiite.
Mapleglade: -narrows eyes and looks at Junetree- I hope we have a colt next, I’ll be his favorite
Mapleglade: -gets an idea-
-says in a joking way again- Alright, whoever wins a race will be your favorite Maytree. It’ll be me verses mama
Junetree: -snorts- If you were serious, you would loose.
Maytree: -cocks head- Colt? -changes mind- I love mama and Daddy equal now.
Mapleglade: Oh really?
Mapleglade: -looks at Maytree- -nickers- Good
Junetree: Oh, by the way, -takes Mapleglade out of ear-shot Of Maytree- We are NOT having another foal ‘til Maytree is a yearling. To much work.
Mapleglade: -nickers- I know
Junetree: -nods- I’m glad we had this chat. -goes back to Maytree- Sweetie want to meet your cousins?!
Maytree: Yes Yes Yes! -claps wings together excitedly-
Maytree: Are you gonna come Daddy?
Mapleglade: -nods-
Maytree: Yay!
Junetree: -nickers- Okay c’mon!
-trots toward where she had seen Wispiflower- Also you can meet your aunt!
Maytree: Double Yay!
Whitefrost: -hears excited nickers and perks ears, opening eyes- Faather? What goiing on?
Wispifrost: Yes, what going on?
Maytree: -walks over to Windwing with Junetree- Unclie!
Junetree: She’s still getting the hang of speaking. Anyways, she wanted to come meet her cousins!
Windwing: -nickers- Hey Maytree
Whitefrost: -walks up to Maytree and sniffs her, then nips at her mane- Who you??
Maytree: Hi, I Maytree! I you cousin!
Junetree: Hi Whitefrost, remember me by any chance? I’m auntie, remember? This is my filly Maytree. Her Daddy is your daddy’s brother so you three are cousins!
Wispifrost: Cousin? A filly cousin?! GLORY!! Yipee! Let’s play!
Maytree: Okay!
Whitefrost: -looks at Junetree- I know you
-turns to Maytree- Lets wace! (Cant say his r’s very well yet)
Maytree: Okay! -looks around- Let’s wace to that twee!
Whitefrost: -nods and looks at Wispifrost- Are you gonna wace too?
Wispifrost: YES!!!!! -drags hoof against the dirt- Ready, steady... GO! -starts off-
Maytree: -right behind Wispifrost- Hey no fair! You got a head start!
Whitefrost: -uses wings to propel him forward-
-catches up to the fillys’ quickly-
Wispifrost: -copies her brother and regains her lead- Not so fast brothy!
Maytree: -tries What her cousins’ did and enjoyed using her wings for the first time to propel herself- Woohoo!
Whitefrost: -zips ahead of them-
Whitefrost: -nickers- You’ll never get me!
Wispifrost: -zips past her brother and gains the lead again-
Whitefrost: -runs as fast as his legs can go-
Whitefrost: -catches up to her again-
Maytree: Hey! -zips right past both And is one foot from the tree-
Whitefrost: -sees the tree and jumps-
Whitefrost: -passes the tree-
Whitefrost: -slows down to a loop and almost collapses- Who... won?
Wispifrost: -also jumps forward-
Maytree: -won just before him- I won!
Whitefrost: Who said?
Windwing: -trots up to them- -nickers- No need to argue, you guys tied
Whitefrost: We did not!
Maytree: Me says!
Wispifrost: I’ll back her up on that because I didn’t win.
Whitefrost: Fine! Rematch!
Maytree: Okay! -points to Wispiflower- Whoever gets to auntie first wins!
Wispifrost: Ready, steady..... GO!!!
Whitefrost: -bolts towards his dam-
Wispiflower: -wing palm- Great, now I’m a target.
Wispifrost: -bolts first and is neck-in-neck with her brother-
Whitefrost: -yells over shoulder- Whoever wins gets to eat first! And we can fly! -lifts off the ground and propels forward-
Whitefrost: -gets ahead of his sister and is full of adrenaline-
Maytree: -flutters into the air and quickly gets right next to them also-
Whitefrost: -flaps wings again, propelling forward once more-
Wispifrost: Hey!! -
zooms past him- Haha!
Whitefrost: -lands and bolts-
Whitefrost: -zips past her and rushes past his dam-
Whitefrost: -lands on rump to slow down- I WIN!!!!!
Whitefrost: -rushes to his dam for milk-
Wispifrost: -scowls at him as soon as she comes to a stop- Why did YOU get to win?
Whitefrost: Because I’m fast -smirks-
JJunetree: I FEEL YA!!!!!
Read it again it might make a little more sense. But basically my sister’s lie became the perfect name for Junetree and Mapleglade’s filly
wait, she was annoyed that you were obsessed with Junetree so she changed the month to get Maytree? is that what you’re saying?
. . . huh?
Thanks! It was my sister’s idea to name her Maytree. She pretended for a while that there was this Hallmark 12 year old star that was obsessed with my story here and made all this Junetree stuff and supposedly named her main OC Maytree
and I love the name Maytree
okay, cass and wispi this is awesome!!
And tell that to Cass too she was amazing
Lol Whitefrost is the twin brother and Wispifrost is the twin sister if that helps
I was a little puzzled about who was saying what because most of them have names that are pretty similar, but it’s still awesome!!
this is so cute!! I was laughing about half the time I was reading it, geat job!!
Meet the spunky side of Whitefrost!