Morningstar stood strong and tall at the meeting tree as the herd gathered. She smiled at Bumblebreeze and his mate Brackensky. "Hey you two!" She called to them.
Bumblebreeze smiled and ran up to his cousin and wrapped her in his wings. "Hey Morningstar. You are the leadmare now right? Morningcloud?" He teased.
Morningstar shook her head and laughed. "No we will have a council again and I am not changing my name Bumblebreeze!"
Brackensky laughed. "But you would be a great leadmare Morningstar!"
Clawpebble trotted next to Larkfrost his mate. They lead their foal, Clawfrost, to the meeting. He smiled when he saw Bumblebreeze hug Morningstar.
Starleaf took his place in the herd gathering with Starflight hiding next to him. "Morningstar we came!" He called to them.
(Will write more tomorrow sorry Gtg)
This is awesome Windfeather!