“They carried me for several hours, finally landing on the western side of the volcano Firemouth. Here, they put me down on the ground and landed facing me.”
“ ‘We haven’t introduced ourselves properly, I think,’ said the liver chestnut. ‘My name is Darksmoke, and this is Firewind.’ Firewind nodded as he heard his name and ruffled his copper feathers.”
“ ‘I’m Starfall,’ I replied nervously. ‘Now what were you planning on doing with me?’ ”
“ ‘We were talking– or, trying to talk–about that as we carried you, and the plan was to hide you in the lava tubes here.’ said Darksmoke. I had been considering the same thing before Smokewing had a guard put around me, so I nodded because it was my plan originally anyway.”
“I should have thought more in foresight. In hindsight, I realize exactly why what happened next occurred. Firemouth is the only volcano that is known in Anok, and Jungle Herd has managed to keep the lava tubes, and their advantage as an ambush site, mostly a secret. However, we were hiding from other steeds in Jungle Herd, so it was logical for them as to where to look for me. They didn’t come for a few weeks, but on my first birthday, when I assumed my destiny would come, I saw a dark body of a pegasus flying toward the cave.”
“I assumed it was Darksmoke, because he had left earlier to get a drink. I ran toward him and waved my wing. I was mistaken. When he landed, I recognized him as a dark bay with purple and white speckled feathers. It was the captain of my guard, and I soon saw the other four members of the guard land behind him in formation.”
“Seeing me, the leader called an order. ‘Attack!’ ”
“The rest of them surged forward and tried to grapple my wings down. I beat my wings as hard as I could, clubbing one of them before I had to take off and fly. As I flew up with a dapple gray in hot pursuit, I looked down to see Darksmoke emerging from the trees.”
“ ‘Fly!’ I warned him. He looked up at me but before he could launch into the sky, the leader and another of his accomplices grappled him down and I could hear the crack as his left wing was severely broken. Then the leader knocked him out with a kick and left him as good as dead. I couldn’t bear to watch any longer, so I looked back at the dapple gray. He was almost on me, so I whinnied, ‘Firewind! HELP!!’ ”
“The roan looked up at me and lifted off just before the bay could catch him. He caught up with me and the dapple gray in record time and called, ‘Starfall! When I give the signal, turn around and help me take him out!’ ”
“Obviously, the dapple gray heard this. He wouldn’t let that happen, so he redoubled his efforts and was about to lunge at me when Firewind simply dropped onto him from above. I turned around and grabbed a wing of the gray in my mouth, and after another kick, Firewind took the other. He steered us over to the river and we dropped the unconscious stallion in.”
“ ‘He’ll be dead soon, if he isn’t already,’ Firewind said in satisfaction. I was astonished at this turn of events and suddenly remembered something.”
“ ‘Darksmoke!’ I gasped. ‘We need to check on him!’ The red roan’s grim face should have told me all I needed to know, but I insisted on seeing for myself.”
“We landed in the now-empty clearing and went over to Darksmoke’s still form. I was aghast at his fate and finally accepted that he was dead. A single tear fell from my eye and onto the small snip on Darksmoke’s muzzle. That wasn’t all. As I watched, the tear bloomed into a pale lavender flower.”
thanks, and I think #3 will be out soon
Can't wait for #3
Wow this was really good!
okay, there will probably be 4 parts