A pure black pegasus looked suprised.
"Hi," she said "My name is Songshine, whats yours?"
I blinked and laughed delirious. "Hi, my name is Ashley"
Songshine looked confused. "whats the other part of the name? you mean Ash? not," she tried to pronounce the word. "Ash-leaeeaet?"
I looked confused. "what? my nicknme is Ash, my name is Ashley"
Songshine blinked "that cannot be"
I said "if you want, heres my full name, Ashley Tanya Chanel"
Songshine murmured "your name is Ashtan? what?"
The scene changed and I could hear Songshine whinnying "waaaaaaaiiiit! Ashhhhhhtannnnnnn!" I could not speak. the wind rustling to loudly i could not hear. I tried to shout "i dont knowwwwwww!' but it didnt work.
I woke up covered in sweat. What was that creature? a pegasus? Song.... what was its name? what did it call me?
I shook my head, no, no, no there was no such things.
It was morning. 10:31 a.m.
"Ashy! time to wake up!" my younger sisters, Tamara and Trinity shouted in my ear. "bacon!"
I groggily shook my head no, I was trying to turn vegan.
My head went down into my pillow again, this time a dreamless sleep.
XD yeh im slow and thanks!
Oh, now I get what it has to do with the TGH universe. This is pretty good, and I can't wait to read more