As they headed back, Dawnfeather looked around. Peaceful waves lapped the beach in a distance, and the roaring sound of the falls almost blocked out everything else. Jagged rocks lay underneath the pool of water the waterfall dropped into. Only the tips poking through.
Dragonfrost stared ahead, everyone was silent. He yawned, "so" he said trying to break the silence. "so, ummm Dawnfeather, wanna do any dives tomorrow?" he said unblinkingly, staring at Dawnfeather. Her pretty feathers still shined in the dark cloudy night. Almost Moonhigh.
Dawnfeather turned her head "ummm why?" She snorted annoyingly at all the mosquitos swarming the warm but chilly night. Clouds hung miserably from the sky.
Dragonfrost blinked "just asking" Dawnfeather swished her tail and pinned her ears flat back at the mosquitos, Dragonfrost backed away nervous. Dawnfeather unpinned her ears and stoppedn swishing her tail when she saw that scared expression on Dragonfrost's face.
Dawnfeather nickered teasingly, "not scared are you? of me?" Dragonfrost whinnied nervously "maybe....?" She snorted "you aren't serious?" Dragonfrost looked at her confused"uhhhhh what?" Dawnfeather rolled her soft twinkling eyes in amusement "your not to bright are you?" Dragonfrost neighed "hah, how do you know you aren't?" Dawnfeather blinked an thought then nickered "because I think?"
Dragonfrost ignored her, amused.
-The next day-
Dawnfeather blinked twice into the morning light, shoot! it was sunhigh! she was supposed to meet with Dovesong! She got up and galloped at full speed to Starlight lake. Dovesong whinnied, laughing "yourrrrr laaaaaaate!" Dawnfeather snorted "ha, but wheres everyone else?" Dovesong looked confused"what?" Dawnfeather snorted "got ya!" Dovesong glared at her "not, funny!" Dawnfeather blinked "so what do you want to do?" Dovesong gazed out towards the falls "hmm i dont know, DIVING?" Dawnfeather laughed "alright then!" She saw a flash out of her eye and tuned around, spinning her hindquarters around. "whos there?"
Dragonfrost heard they were going diving, he thought, but... i asked too! dragonfrost unfolded hiswings and was getting ready to fly when Dawnfeather spun around and yelled "whos there?" Dragonfrost calmy stepped out "me, why?" Dawnfeather snorted "ask yourself, stalker" Dragonfrost blinked, her couldnt believe how Dawnfeather reacted. Dragonfrost shook his mane "I eally want to go diving, can I with you two?" He just waed to be alone with Dawnfeather, to make a connection, but Dovesong was there. He eyed her.
Dawnfeather snorted angrily "no, why?" He said "ask yourself" Dawnfeaher blinked "that doesnt make sense!" Dovesong patted Dawnfeather with her wing, "c'mon! let him go with us! We can beat him to it!" Dawnfeather turned to her sister "fine" Dragonfrost stepped eagerly and said ready, set go! They blazed through the clouds and dove towards the cliff they were last night.
(this is bad, sorry)
number 2 is the time their yearlings, so is 3 and all the other ones after XD only number 1 was when what, they were weanlings?
So your jumping back and forth in time?
also thanks!
YEAH in the second one it skipped to yearlings, dont worry i have a plan ;)
This is still pretty good, but I thought Dragonfrost was being attacked by wolves