"It's official," Rainblaze whispered to her friends, grinning evilly.
"What is?" Wispiflower whispered back.
"Why, Storizonfire is, of course," Rainblaze grinned evilly.
The fillies all grinned evilly at Horizonfire, who looked confused. "What?" She asked.
The sun was across the sky, above the horizon, shining through the trees in Tear Herd's territory. The fillies had finished their training and were grazing with each other... and shipping Horizonfire with Stormfire.
"You know," Stormpebble said, smiling, and bumped wings with Horizonfire.
Echomoon dipped her head down and grazed.
"Yeah," Riverbreeze nodded. "You and Stormfire? Totally a 'Thing.'"
"What the - me with THAT over-inflated jerk? Yeah, right," Horizonfire snapped, ducking her head and ripping up pieces of grass and chewing it.
But Starbrook didn't miss the blush.
"Hey!" she said. "You blushed!"
"What? No I didn't!" Horizonfire argued, blushing profusely.
"Come on, fellow spy," Echomoon brushed Horizonfire's wing and grinned evilly at her. "Admit it."
"Alright! Fine. I like him a little..." Horizonfire avoided their eyes, blushing.
"Ad. Mit. It."
"ALRIGHT, FINE, A LOT, OKAY? I LIKE HIM, A LOT!" Horizonfire gave in, smiling up at them.
"We're going to ship you hardcore, so get ready..." Iceblaze smiled, and nudged Thundertail, who grinned. "Yeah," Iceblaze's brother said. "Be prepared."
"Hey," A familiar voice suddenly asked. A young blue roan stallion with navy blue feathers dipped in emerald green glided over, landed next to Horizonfire, and folded his wings. "These guys hassling you?"
"Oh, hi, Stormfire. We were just ship- TALKING, talking about you!" Starbrook rephrased, getting "nudged" harshly in the side with Rainfeather's wing when she nearly said the s word.
"Okay then," Stormfire nodded. He threw Horizonfire a wink and brushed her wing.
'The others are SO shipping hardcore right now,' Horizonfire thought, then blushed.
Horizonfire and Stormfire connected eyes for a moment.
Or a minute.
"HEY! LOVE DOVES!" Stormpebble yelled, breaking the spell. "Get a tree. Or cave."
"Cave's better," Wispiflower grinned. "No one will be able to hear the lovesick poems you guys craft to each other."
This time, both captains blushed and looked away.
"I'll see ya around," Stormfire said a moment later. He winked at Horizonfire again, then spread his wings and flew away.
"Storizonfire~!" The other 8 fillies and colt said.
"Ha! I have stallions to tease YOU GUYS about, too! And one mare!" Horizonfire grinned.
"Name them!" Rainblaze smiled.
"OKAY! Not ALL of you, but CERTAINLY a FEW! Echomoon Pepeblade, Starbrook + Thundertail each other, Riverbreeze Graywood (I think, I APOLOGISE SOMMUCH IF NOT), and Wispiflower Windwing!"
All present that were named blushed.
Thundertail and Starbrook refused to look at each other.
Everyone collapsed into laughter, and they all nuzzled affectionately.
That night, Thundertail and Starbrook slept next to each other as always, but Riverbreeze, who was used to staying up well passed midnight, noticed that they inched closer when they were asleep.
She didn't know if they did that on purpose or not, but she did know one thing: She, and all of her friends, SO shipped them.
why hav I made this. it's so cringy holy hundred year star and for all the good of the Ancestors what was wrong with me
xD I love it!!!