I know you guys are going to scream and yell at me for this, but here goes:
Dewberry stood grazing in her favourite spot in the meadow. Thinking about four years before, when Bumblewind had died.
She thought back to times when she'd picked on him flirtatiously. She thought about how she'd secretly gone off and cried for hours after his death.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her gut, yanking her away from her thoughts. She kicked at her stomach with a hind hoof, any pegasi watching would think she was just kicking at the annoying flies that were out on the hot spring morning.
She felt it again, a kicking motion in her gut.
She hadn't told Sweetroot about it, because she thought it was all in her head.
She looked at the heavily pregnant Morningleaf, who stood grazing nearby, longing that she could've carried Bumblewind's foal.
Suddenly the pain was so sharp and biting that Dewberry thought that maybe the hot sun was playing mind tricks on her, so she flew towards the shade of the tree Sweetroot used to store herbs and root and to sleed in. She stopped at the side the pegasi couldn't see from the meadow.
She had thought that maybe she was pregnant with some stallion's foal, but quikely dismissed that thought when she remembered that ever since Bumblewind's death, she'd slept laying down.
She gave a sharp, yet what Dewberry thought was was quiet, whinny of pain and Sweetroot came running from helping a first time mother who'd birthed twin colts. Dewberry screamed with pain and the whole herd heard this time and and they all came running
Dewberry collapsed to the ground and felt Sweetroot slide next to her and whisper in her ear:"Come on Dewberry, you can do it!" Sweetroot commanded some steeds go get the special herbs used for this kind of thing, dismissed the rest of the herd, keeping only Morningleaf, Star, and a few others.
A few minutes later, Dewberry felt some slightly bitter-tasting herbs shoved into her mouth and was urged to chew.
She gave one last squeal of pain, around a mouthful of herbs, and suddenly the pain was gone.
Dewberry opened her eyes and stood up when she saw the little filly that lay beside her. She nudged the filly to get it to stand and it did and wobbled and tottered all over the place before she found the teet.........
To be continued
Maybe, maybe not
You have to see the second part, Dewberry's foal (continued).
That's the name
You HAVE to tell me that's Bumblewind's foal
It better be or this'll be a different kind of scream. BUT I LOVE IT!!!
That better be Bumblewind's filly
It's really good though!!'
This is Bumblewind's foal right?!??
You are so talented! But yeah, I want to scream.