Thunderstar: Black yearling colt with light-blue feathers, black mane and tail, white star, two white hind socks, golden eyes.
Morninglight: Bay filly with gold feathers, black mane and tail, white blaze, four white socks.
Star looked at his new filly with bright eyes. "Morninglight" he said.
"Oh, Star! That's beautiful!" said Morningleaf, as she nuzzled her. "Morninglight. Our little filly"
"Come on in, Thunderstar. Come meet your little sister." Star said to peeking eyes behind him. Thunderstar slowly walked to his Dam and new baby sister. He looked at this little wiggly pegasus, and said. "What's her name?"
"Morninglight" said Morningleaf. And at that moment, Thunderstar knew he wanted to protect her forever.
That is super adorable. Thunderstar is gonna be a great big brother!
Also, I think there should be a pole or something to figure out how many foals people have imagined for Starleaf because that would be interesting
Awww, Thunderstar got himself a baby sister <3
Such a Amazing and cute short story!!!! :)