Thunderstar paced back and fourth for an hour waiting for news from Sweetroot about his mate, Shademist, and their coming foal. Finally though, Sweetroot called, "Thunderstar, come meet your new filly!" Thunderstar eagerly obeyed and went behind the tree where his mate was. She lay there with a huge smile on her face. She lifted her wing. Thunderstar gasped, for right there, was a beautiful filly with wings the color of ice. "What would you like to name her?" asked Shademist. "How about Patch... feather? Patchfeather? After my Greatdam?" "I like it!" Shademist said. "Well then," he bent down to nuzzle the filly, "Patchfeather, welcome."
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Omg! This is so beautiful 😊😂Thank you for making Thunderstar's filly! 💙💙💙
Nice, the main character from my fan fiction series "Tails of Snow Herd" is Patchfeather also