Name: SpringbrookAge: 0Gender: femaleRank: foalHerd: River HerdPersonality: sweet, adventurous, ambitious, loveableDescription: small bay filly, black mane and tail, four white stockings, thin blaze, teal wings
Thank you
the backgrounds awesome too!!!
Idk, that's just what the app said
its a green teal blue lOL
The color is listed as "Teal Blue"
Teal? That looks green to me, but okay
And the teal wings where the complimentary color to the shade of brown I used
Actually that's Dawnfir and Summerwind's foal. Dawnfir is a bay so that's where she got her coloring, and Summerwind is a pinto that's where she got her markings.
Actually, I did Bumbleberry's foal so it isn't. but that doesn't matter. She's still cute.
It probably is Bumbleberry's foal! You know, the challenge for foals that Ashglade put up?! WOOO-HOOOO SHE IS ADORBSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww! She looks a lot like Bumbleberry’s foal might look like