Panel #1:Caption: Hide & Seek (Snow Herd Edition)Honeyfall: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..."Panel #2:Caption: 1 minuet later...Honeyfall: "Ready or not here I come."Panel #3:Honeyfall: "Not cool guys. Not cool at all!!"
Lol, thanks Wispi
I see where Honeyfall is! Took me a second though lol
Awesome drawing and hilarious comic!!!
Ohhhh!!!! I GET IT NOW!! XD
The water is just part of the background
I don't really understand it is Honeyfall in the water? And what does she mean "Not cool guys not cool at all!!!!!!!!!"
Thanks everyone, and my comic can be interrupted in a few different ways
Ohhhh, okay!! that is funny!! and really well drawn
This is awesome Dragon
BTW, THATS AMAZING!!! Ur sooooo good at art! I love her wings!!!!!
OH!!! I GET IT!! That's clever!!!!! So, the pegasi Honeyfall is trying to find are way up in the clouds. Did u see that small little speck in Panel 3? That's Honeyfall, looking for her friends who are almost to high to be seen.
It looks absolutely gorgeous Dragon!
But that’s hilarious Dragon xD
Honeyfall is the seeker, and you can see that Honeyfall has to look for miles to find them
This is well drawn but I don't entirely get it. What isn't cool, according to Honeyfall? That the others are hiding in the mountains?