OKAY!! Sorry this one took so long-I felt unmotivated to continue about half way through the drawing DXX
BUT! Here they are! Anblick x Silren or the cutest ship in Domination! In the RP I absolutely love their relationship ❤️
....This one isn’t my best work. The sketch is fine, but the colors and blending isn’t my best. Anblick’s mane is too dark and Silren’s coat and mane look muddy but oh well...we all have bad days. If u wanna see an actual REAL representation of what the characters look like, then go to the Domination RP character page lol the ship is still cute!!
Silren was super hard to draw (mainly her coat design was difficult) but I hope that I did a good job and you like it!
Next, I’ll either do Caita x Windborn or Jigun x Iden so @Starleaf @Echolake @Windfeather please leave descriptions below!!!
So! Without further ado, SILBLICK!

Lets do old Kifo. Ashsong posted the photo
Thanks Starleaf!! And Windfeather, whichever for Kifo. I’m drawing them based on their present looks(manes are longer, have already received their powers, more mature eyes, stuff like that) but if you want it to be old Kifo, I can do that too! Whichever you want-he’s ur OC
Kifo: (Do you want star foal him or new him?)
Windborn: Black colt with green fire markings, green wings and eyes, black mane and tail.
Omg sorry I never saw this! I’ll look for the pic later but here is the description:
tall blue fully with black points. White bald face and white stripes. Black mane and tail. One blue eye one scared white eye. White wings. (I’ll find the pic later if I don’t get it in time you can find it in the domination rp character sheet.
there we go! His expression -->😊 too i spose?
YAY!!! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!! I tried so hard to get her right!
Hey I suddenly have a requestttttt!!!! If you do any.... could you do a Jerifo ship drawing? Jeray and Kifo.
I love your style sooo muchchchchchchchhhhhhhhh!!!!
Thanks Dragon!!
Woah, that looks AWESOME!!!!!
Their cute!! And Here you go!
Caita: Grey blanket appaloosa, but where the white should be is pale green. She has a pale green blaze and her wings are sky blue. Her left eye is dark green, and her right one is a pale green. (I just changed the eyes cause I thought it would look better, but I also never really thought about it, so you can say that those are her eyes!! XD)
Dang it why is it sideways?!!!
Lemme try that again...
UGH y you do this phone?? Ahhh hopefully it’s okay! If I need to try and rotate it I’ll try to fix it 😢😡