So I am a HUGE perfectionist, to the point of if there’s even one line wrong in my almost finished drawing I’ll erase the whole drawing and try again. Because of this drawing has been less fun for me. So I have decided for the time being that Im not gonna care if the drawings look ‘perfect’ and I’m gonna draw because I love to draw and not waste hours obsessing about making it perfect.
so for the time being my drawings will most likely look different I’m not sure how yet. but when I decided this last night and then drew Solaria and Hida I felt much more free and comfortable because I knew that if I messed up I wasn’t letting anyone down (my brain often tells me that I am) and i was enjoying drawing them. I just wanted to let you guys know that my art style will most likely look different. Thanks to anyone who made it through this post
As a perfectionist, I can say it's totally fine. If you're able to let go of it being perfect, it becomes a lot more fun! And everyone's art styles change every so often so it's completely fine! :D
You go girl.
Aaaand that's all I can think of to say XD
I get it if you have seen some of my paper drawings you know that there are so many erased lines XD. And as long as you find it fun to draw it's going to look great!
I totally understand, I'm the exact same way. We don't care if the drawing is perfect or not, as long as you enjoy making it, that's all that matters.
I get you. Honestly, I think a lot of people are perfectionists in this world, including me XD
And, yeah, I'm glad that you can draw without, ya know, feeling pressured! It's good <3
Well, thank you for letting us know!! And, trust me, it's not a bad thing to be happy. It's a bad thing to not feel free.
Good for you!!! It took me a long time to be ok with things not always looking exactly how i wanted them to. But once i did, My art ended up looking better in my opinion because i no longer cared as much.