Brackentail bullied Star through out the first year of the black foal's life, he even tried to murder Star. Most of us would have to agree it was pretty despicable of Brackentail to do that, but if you think about it, what would you do if you looked at Starfire from Brackentail's prospective?
Imagine this: someone you really cared about, was insistently hanging around someone you were convinced was a bad influences. What would you do? Sit by and let the person you thought was a bad influence be around the person you cared about, and potentially end up hurt? Or would you stop at nothing to lead your friend away for the bad influence?
I think that a lot of times we don't try to understand why the villain is the villain. We don't try to figure out how that character became evil. Brackentail ended up becoming a trusted friend of Star, but only after Star had convinced Brackentail that he wasn't a bad influence on Morningleaf.
I like him.
Yes, but they wouldn't have been in the trap if Star wasn't there
Actually, It was Echofrost who told them that the berries were harmless...sry Echofrost, but, yep.
True, true, and WELCOME
Well, if Star hadn't been there, there wouldn't have been a death berry incident. Also, welcome to the Message Board Morningleaf
Quoting Echomoon:
"All true!! And Dragon I completely forgot about that lol XD I say I agree with Flamefrost and Wispi (WISP WISP :D). I don't forgive Brackentail for the Canyon Run, but I feel bad for him sometimes, like when he started whispering into Morningleaf's ear to sooth her in Landfall when the six where eating the death berries (ofc, they didnt know THAT) and Star catches him, so he stops. But then again, I feel angry about that too. If Star wasn't there, Brackentail probably would have tried to charm her four white socks off (pun intended XD)."
He probably would have tried to charm her. But if Star HADN'T been there, they would have died from the deathberries. So, this time, it's a good thing Star was there. Brackentail needs to figure out which berries are dangerous xD Silly colt.
Wispi I thought you were the oldest sister in the picture, with short hair and the glasses. Don't worry, I have to wear glasses too. UGH! I don't like wearing them because the last time I stopped wearing them, I noticed that my eyesight had actually gotten WORSE than the last time I didn't have them on. I'm short sighted XD. And yeah, I agree with Lightningblaze. But I feel like Brackentail, when he was forgiven, more used his "chance" to impress Morningleaf, and not to get Star and everyone else to forgive him. It legit even says:
"What about Echofrost? You did nothing to help her!" Morningleaf whinnied.
"I couldn't help Echofrost, but I didn't help Rockwing win the war. I-I wouldn't do that, Morningleaf," Brackentail stared right at Morningleaf, his eyes pleading.
He straight up LIED right to her FACE! I mean, I know he HAD TO x gets sucked back in and kills Rockwing again x but COME ON! You don't LIE to the person you love!
That is why I think Starleaf is so much better.
Moonglow: What? This wasn't supposed to be a speech! You were stating facts!
Me: shh!
I half agree Lightningblaze, but I still hate him for how he’s getting extra time with Morningleaf and taking advantage of it. Grrrrrrr......
I like Brakentail, but in Starfire he was terribly annoying. But he asked for forgiveness, and ended up to help a bunch.
And it didn’t sound creepy Echo lol We’re still twin sisses.
Also, which one did you think was me?
If I ever posted a pic, I would only have it posted for a few minutes (while you and Echo and Rain were all here) then delete it.
LOL Echo. But, Wispi, don't give us a lot of details because we don't want a creep stalker person to see what you look like and then stalk you and your sister. So, just be mindful of what details u give us
I kinda want to see what you look like to lol. But I already have a hunch on what you look like because on Magentablaze's account, on her About forum, she put a picture of her family there. She didn't say who was who, but I'm pretty sure I know what she looks like and which one you are in the photot. That sounded way creepier than I intended. But.... we still twins? Heheh........ heh? No? okay thxcyabye x jumps out window x
Moonglow: That was weird
Lucysky: Then again, this is Emi we're talking about
Echomoon: True....
I know this isn’t a good idea, and I (probably) won’t do it, but I really want you (specifically you, Rain, and Echo) to see what I look like for some reason. Idek why, but I do.
Sure!! This is a RWZ!!!!!!! (Random Welcomed Zone)
Can I say something random?