Flash woke to the sound of a train horn. He stood, his back feeling bare. He turned to look, notcing his tack was gone, along with his bridle. Flash snorted, and looked around the small train cart where he was held. There was a tub of water and some hay laying on the ground for him, along with a few carrots and apples. The stallion was hungry, and was questioning how long he had slept. Suddenly he remembered: Jack screaming, men throwing rocks, falling out of the sky. Flash wondered how he survived, and where Jack was. The stallion whinnied, calling for his boy. No answer came, but Flash didnt stop. For ten minutes he brayed Jack's name, but still no answer. Suddenly Flash saw a door open, leading into his cart. Two men were standing, inspecting Flash. "I think he will produce good foals," one said. The other nodded. "Me too, especially with our best mare." Flash perked his ears, but listened to the men. "First we will put him with Silver. She is our best, but do you think he already has a mate?" "I doubt it. He's a champion racer. There would be no time for that." The one on the right nodded. "Will his rider go looking for him?" Flash perked his ears again. Jack? Was he even alive? The left man shook his head. "We will be miles and miles away. They cant find us." The two men smiled and walked up to Flash. "You will be the reason we are rich. Your foals will be worth hundreds." Flash pinned his ears and turned around, his rear end facing the men."Dave, I dont think he likes us." The left man said. "He will once we feed him treats, keep him in a grand stable, and keep him healthy Tom." Tom nodded. "I hope so." Dave patted Flash's back and smiled. "Only in one hour will you meet your new home, King." "King.. I like that." Tom said. Flash perked his ears. King? No, he was Flash! Not King!
Dave looked at Tom. "Lets leave him be and rest." Tom nodded, and the two men left Flash's, well now King's, cart. The stallion collapsed and layed on the soft hay. He had to get back to Jack. And soon.
#AnimalAbuse (forcing him to produce) #WhyCassWhyMustYouBrekMehHert
Thank you!!
I. LOVE. THIS!!!!!!!!!!! I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the best, but hope you enjoy!