Hey! So in my mini Biography, How Do You Like How You Turned Out?, I mentioned we were going to Hawaii. Well, we are getting Cookie a new certification badge. I have one, but Cookie doesn't. So we're going to get her one. Yes. In Hawaii. I don't know why, don't ask me! My parents do all the details, and I just love the dog. And she loves me back. It's our job! Since this is her first time on an airplane, I've decided to pamper her. I've saved up about 295 bucks, then skipped breakfast at the airport so my parents would give me the 5 bucks I would've used to buy a strawberry and whipped cream waffle. Now I had a full 300 bucks. Before our flight, I went to visit the Dog Travel Shoppe to buy her some luxuries. I got her a puppy neck pillow, another blanket, dog treats, and even some diapers in case she needs to do "her thing". She right now is in the restroom ( every time someone in my family needs to go, we take her with us so the diaper stays clean ) but she will be back soon. I made her some PJs and they are on her right now. Oh, I also got her a sleep mask. She's fixing to watch Hannah Montana with me and my little sister ( my sister LOVES that show ) and then she's gonna take a nap. Were supposed to have arrived, but there were some engine issues before we started boarding, so it's a longer trip now... ugh. But she helps me stay calm in the air. I've included some pictures by the way.
Well, sometimes I do say service dog, but she's an emotional support dog. I have depression and anxiety.
I have a question. Is Cookie a service dog or an emotinal suport animal? I keep hearing you say both.
@Riverbreeze Thanks! She is my little pupcake.
This is great!!! I love reading about your journey with Cookie! She's the cutest thing!
@Tiger I have some.
Oh, she's so sweet! Do you have photos of her in all her "travel gear"?