Honeyfall: "Hi everyone, and welcome to the feather challenge!"
Crowd: "YAY!!!"
Random crowd pegasus: "What is the feather challenge?!?"
Honeyfall: "I'm glad you asked random pegasus!"
Random crowd pegasus: "You paid me to say that!"
Honeyfall: *glares at random pegasus* "Anyway, here's how it works: any one who wants to enter can tell me in the comments, then I will assignee a random character. That person will draw that character's feather."

1. anyone who want's to participate must notify me before 8:00pm (AK time) on 8/30/2017
2. No complaining about the character I assignee you
3. No switching characters
4. No tracing
5. If your stumped on how to draw it, you can look up pictures and videos
6. You can not use an existing drawing
Honeyfall: "I think that bout covers everything."
Random crowd pegasus: "What do we win?"
Honeyfall: "Oh yes, I almost forgot. The prize you could win if you finish in the top three is a special TGH feather trophy drawn by the one and only Dragon, featuring your favorite TGH book character!"
Crowd: "YAY!"
Honeyfall: "Till next time on the feather challenge!"
P.S. plz post your feather drawings in the comments, thank you!
Can you do it no your computer now?
Ohhhh, my frickin phone is still being stupid!!! I'm sorry everyone 😭😭 I'll keep trying!
Autumnsky I need you to post by 8:00pm AK time tomorrow
Autumnsky I need you to post your picture as soon as possible so I can announce the winners
Whoa! I didn't see that! Cool!
That's so cool!! And I love how you thought of putting Star and Frostfire in the orb!
That's so detailed! I see tiny Star and Frostfire!
Did you see the little golden orb I drew with star and Frostfire flying away in the distance??
It's supposed to be off when Star and Frostfire are flying over Mountain Herd, and his feather and some others got blown out of the ash into the wind.
I finally finished Frostfire's feather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no it wont, I probably should have mentioned that if for some reason your phone or other device is making it unable for you to post I'll let you have a time extension
Thank you, but I can't get on the computer until tomorrow!! It'll be to late then!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Try to do it on your computer. That might work
I couldn't remember either! I'm painting Riversun's feather RIGHT NOW!!! I'll probably post it in like another hour or two... 😐 It's 9:39 where I am.
OK thanks. Sorry, I couldn't remember when the deadline was.