Honeyfall: "Welcome to the finally of the 'feather challenge'"
Crowd: "YAY!!"
Honeyfall: "So all the judges have made their final picks for the top three, and I have first, second, and third, place winners names here in this envelope."
*Honeyfall reaches for it and at the last second remembers she can't open in*
Honeyfall: "Hold on a minuet folks."
*Honeyfall calls Dragon over*
Dragon: "How could you forget you don't have hands?"
Honeyfall: "Just open it."
*Dragon opens envelope and shows it to Honeyfall*
Honeyfall: "In third place we have... jgracew421, with very well drawn picture of Frostfire's feather!"
*jgracew421 steps on stage and Dragon hands over her trophy*

Honeyfall: "In second place we have... Love These Cats, with her amazing picture of Graystone's feather!"
*Cats steps on stage and Dragon hands over her trophy*

Honeyfall: "And in first place is... Crazy Cat Lady, with her outstanding picture of Star's feather!"
*Crazy Cat steps on stage and Dragon hands over trophy*

*Dragon shoves Honeyfall out of the way*
Dragon: "I would like everyone to know that it was incredibly hard to pick just three winners, and I loved everyone's feathers very much."
*Honeyfall has security escort Dragon off stage*
Honeyfall: "And that's all for-"
Wut Autumnsky said XD
Congratulations you guys!!!
congrats peps!!
Congrats everyone!!!!
I hope you like your trophy Cats
YAY I GOT SECOND! *dances around*
Oops sorry I'll fix that
Wait, who got first prize? There are two third places.
WOW CONGRATS :DDDDDD I cant believe I missed this post -.- Cant wait until the new challenge <:
p.s. new challenge coming soon