The days seamed to fly by for Patchfeather, Dragonfrost, and Smokemoon. The snow melted, the trees budded, and slowly one by one the foals were born.
The day Sunnyglow gave birth, was sunny. Patchfeather, and Smokemoon were watching as Pineberry helped Dragonfrost with some exercises to strengthen his wings, when Coldfire landed.
"Pineberry!" said the gray captain, out of breath "My colt, he's coming!"
"Right." Pineberry said as she walked into her cave, and grabbed some herbs, "Coldfire can you show me were Sunnyglow is?"
"Yes." Coldfire flapped his light blue wings, and flew off in the direction he came in fallowed by Pineberry
Patchfeather noticed Dragonfrost had pinned his ears when Coldfire landed, "How dose he know it's a colt?" muttered Dragonfrost.
Patchfeather sighed, "I hope we find out what Whitesnow was talking about soon."
"Yeah." agreed Smokemoon.
"I don't know how Sunnyglow can stand him." grumbled Dragonfrost.
Patchfeather rolled her eyes, "Dragonfrost, I know Whitesnow told you to weary of him, but not everything Coldfire dose is bad."
"I heard Coldfire chased a black bear away, that was getting close to the herd yesterday." said Smokemoon
Patchfeather lifted her head "Wait, Coldfire did what?"
"He chased away a black bear." repeated Smokemoon.
The talk of a black bear made Patchfeather think, when the older pegasi told stories about the "Old Days" there were never that many bear attacks in them. But in the last two years there had been a lot of bear attacks, and they all happened after Whitesnow's death.
"Hold on I need to check on something." said Patchfeather as she flapped her wings, "I'll be back soon."
Patchfeather flew back to the stream were she and Dragonfrost had been attacked. She hovered above the area looking for any sign Coldfire had been here, then Patchfeather spotted it, a pale blue feather sticking out from under a large rock near the stream.
Satisfied, Patchfeather went back to were she left Smokemoon and Dragonfrost, "Smokemoon!" said Patchfeather as she landed, "Who was in the search party that found me and Dragonfrost?"
Smokemoon looked puzzled, "Umm, let me think..." she listed of all the pegasi, none of them had light blue feathers.
"Smokemoon, did Coldfire go somewhere after Dragonfrost flew off?"
"Yes he did, Petalcloud told him to do something just after you two left."
"What does that have to do with anything?" asked Dragonfrost
Patchfeather made sure no one could hear her, then she said "I think Coldfire might be responsible for the bear attacking us," Patchfeather paused a moment to let that sink in, then she continued, "I think he was also responsible for the bear attack that killed Whitesnow."
WAHT?! see what jealousy can do??! They Say That Loce Can Make Pegasi Do Strange Things...
Good lol
Don't worry Cass and jgracew421, I'm working on more
THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys.. we are almost to 100 posts on Herd Chat lol
I sorry I didn't post yesterday, so here is yesterday's chapter, I will (if I can) post todays chapter later