Patchfeather landed a little ways away from were Dragonfrost, Smokemoon, Pebblefrost, and Sunnyglow, were digging through ashes trying to find unburnt moss.
When Patchfeather walked up, Dragonfrost raised his head, "What did Coldfire want?" he asked.
Patchfeather sighed, this was going to be harder then she thought telling him she had been selected to go on the scouting patrol that was going to be led by his evil step sire.
Patchfeather sighed, "I need to talk to you both, some were quiet."
Dragonfrost exchanged a worried glance with Smokemoon, "We're coming."
The three friends walked in silence to what had been their favorite hangout before the fire, it was a small cave hidden on the side of a hill covered by bushes. The cave had been the perfect hiding place when the trio were foals, but now that they were tow year olds, it was a tight fit.
When they all had squeezed into the cave, Dragonfrost repeated his question from earlier, "What did Coldfire want?"
"Didn't Pebblefrost tell you?" asked Patchfeather.
Smokemoon shook her head, "When Pebblefrost came back from flying with you she didn't say much."
Patchfeather looked at her friends and took a deep breath, "I'm going on Coldfire's patrol."
Dragonfrost stared at her in shock, "What!?!" he exclaimed.
"Coldfire said he needed a messengers to fly news back to Icewing." explained Patchfeather.
"Patchfeather I'm so happy for you." said Smokemoon.
Dragonfrost stomped his hoof, "Why couldn't Coldfire ask some one else?"
"Because he picked me." said Patchfeather, "Plus, we agreed to keep an eye on Coldfire."
Dragonfrost huffed, "He might have taken Whitesnow away from me, I don't want him to take you away to."
Patchfeather looked into Dragonfrost's eyes, she saw fear, "Dragonfrost, I'll be okay. It's not like I'm going to war or anything."
"I know." said Dragonfrost.
Patchfeather looked at her friends, "I better be going, Coldfire seems to want to get moving as soon as possible."
Smokemoon nuzzled Patchfeather's ear, "Be safe."
Dragonfrost looked at Patchfeather, the leaned in close and whispered "If you don't come back, I promise I will kill Coldfire my self."
Patchfeather recoiled, shocked by what Dragonfrost said, then she looked at Smokemoon, "I'll watch him." mouthed Smokemoon.
"Thank you." Patchfeather mouthed back.
Then Patchfeather backed out of the cave, and flew back to were Coldfire was had told his patrol to meet up.
😳 You better write those quick or i will blow with impatience 😂 (jk)
Well, I'm planning to do two chapters today.....*Tails of Snow Herd Spoiler*and I working on adding a plot twist you will never see coming :)
IM ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!! THESE ARE SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey!! Just here to say im addicted so pls dont stop writibg :3