if u have a pintrest account, then please tel me. here's me:gypsy vannerhttps://www.pinterest.ca/horselady6789/
no prob.
I was wondering who Gypsy Vanner was, thanks for following me!!
Hmm... I'll send it again, just give me a second
never got it
The board's name is "TGH OC's"
k thx
Oh, and here's the links to other herd nerd's accounts:
Wispiflower- https://www.pinterest.ca/Wispiflower/
Brightberry- https://www.pinterest.ca/pananah/
Dawnfeather- https://www.pinterest.ca/sophiaxin27/
Flamefrost- https://www.pinterest.ca/JonathanNOTJonny/
GuardianAshglade- https://www.pinterest.ca/gabriellaraemoreno/
Jasperpony- https://www.pinterest.ca/jasperthepony/
is that the guardian herd one or the rotr one
I also just invited you to a 'secret' herd nerd board for TGH OCs
I just followed you, my user name is Annika Z.
I have no Pinterest acount but I know Dragon has one c: