So...theres this game that I play which , of course, is named Horse Academy 3D. LOL. I wanted to share with you guys, some pictures of my favorite horses on the game! here they are!

BTW! the one in the middle is the one I made(: names:
Green with green blue mane is Dream Wish(I think)
Multi coloredDragon one is Tigerlily(might ise that later for O.C)
Lavender/Pink one is Allegria(got her from training 1-40 levels, was really hard, the money that I trained from got donated to a charity, Ya know the Cancer ribbon? ;))
the One with spots and rose grey colored(the big one) is named Dawnfeather(HAHA!)
the one below the spotted one which is also spotted is named Rosefeather
the pink and white one with Antlers is named Snowstar I think???
the tiger red one with a horn is named Huntress
the blue one with a yellow horn is named Oceanmist(please dont steal that)
and finally the one in the middle name is Fireworks!:D
O.O I see XD
She's been on here for a wile, she just hasn't been very active
O.O Diamonglare is a new one! Hi!(or old im neish)
Nice to have you back Diamondglare!
My name is: Calypso(brand is Arya)
Only the tack so far
There adding a lot of stuff right now...Maybe Blinkers next?? XD
Tell me what your names will be in Chat
YES! Its on facebook(gameroom) Android iOS (as a app amd gameroom) lol
DIAMONDGLARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay XD Is it on computer or another device?
Ooh, cool! I’m gonna go try it too
wow i'm going to go try that app
That's cool. :)