Last Comment(s):
Ashanti: This is so cool She thought looking around. She giggled at Morpheus comment. For once he didn't have something "Smart" to reply with. "So.. How well do you know Loralie? Are you two good friends...?" She asked calmly still looking around
Caita, "I don't know, pulling you underwater is funnier!" she teased laughing softly.
Most of Shadow Herd has gone to the lake to swim and bath after the storm. Anblick made it last, so now he has to eat a bird’s egg (Yuck! I know I eat chicken eggs, but a raw one?!) and Windborn and Caita are doing their thang. (whatever that means xD) Morpheus is taking Ashanti to Loralie’s dream. (Did I miss anything? )
YAAAASSSSS!!!!!! :D Let’s make it to part 100!!!! :D
( not anger i promise )
@Nightmist (have you made the new part yet? sryyyy i just love this rp)
(Okay, I've got it
Not that much has happened but here's the main things:
Back at the lake, the foals were getting tired, so they decided to head back to the valley-they were sore and exhausted from the long day and they all slept. In the morning, it's dawn right now, and Thea and Lonestar were talking. Lonestar is starting to get hungry again, but Thea doubts she can give the filly another serving of her starfire-her healing fire is not meant for filling empty stomachs.
Uhhhhhhh Caita and Windborn were talking and having a moment(i don't remeber what it was about) and Estrel and Spottedwind went back to the lake to swim and hang out. Yeah, that's pretty much it.)
(it’s okay Nightmist :))
( the @ always gets em ;) I actually suck at summaries and i gtg work sorry! Ahkhekjfhutrgtrkyhjtkyjyukj)
( Oh jeez I am soooo sorry guys xd I’ve been working on multiply things at once and completely forgot. Forgive me lol? xd (Also maybe summary..? If not that’s fine, I can skim through it) )
( @Nightmist ???????????????????????)
( I can make a new part if you don't want to, Nightmist. I mean technically it's your rp now, but this has reached 13 pages)
(Can I also make a background post where everyone can explain a bit more about the character and their past? Im just asking bc you technically are running the RP now)
(Nughtmist? Can you make a new part pretty please? lol sry if im being annoying)
(Same.... and refusing to do hw also does that to me....XD)
(Major boredom does that to me)
(holy moly you three!!!! You guys exploded! Nightmist...i think we need a new part)
Caita flipped around and held him under with her waiting until he started to freak out before she went anywhere.
he swallowed water then diving under he grabbed Caita and dragged her own again
Caita, "Alright now get out of the way, Mamma's about to beat up your Dad." she said with an evil smirk. And as soon as Tideflight got out of the way she made a big wave that engulfed Windborn and she just watched and laughed.
He splashed Caita with water
Tideflight looked down at him smiling, "Thanks Dad!" he said happily then wiggled his way out of his grip swimming over to his mom, "Why'd you bring me into your guy's war!" he said to her looking up at her.
Caita, "Because I can." she said wiggling her hips some though she couldn't really dance in the water like she could on land because of the water.