Haha, I’m sorry, but as a SW and TGH fan this had to be the headliner. XD In Mrs. Alvarez’s most recent news letter, she linked us to a YouTube video revealing Star’s sire. I couldn’t help but laugh when Vader’s face was shown. Honestly, Nightwing, Spiderwing, and Hollyblaze remind me of Anakin, Obi wan, and Padmé from one of the Star Wars trilogys. However, we did get an actual answer after this little joke, confirming my longest TGH theory:
The Starfire is Star’s sire.
This is genius. Apparently, the Starfire chooses a mare and imbues her with its power. That’s why the black foals are so powerful and magical. They are part pegasus and part star. However, this leads to other questions as well. Why do very few black foals survive to adulthood? Is it because the starfire is too great for some? Does the Starfire have its own conscience? How did a heavenly body with such great power come to be in the first place? Perhaps we’ll never know...
sorry i just reread the Starbrook's description and saw you put in that someboyd has an other OC called Starbrook. Ignore comment above >~<
you made Starbrook? Isnt that Logan's OC?
Thank you
I love those! ^_^
Some of my earliest OC were themed after Star Wars characters:
Aspenflight (aka Padme)- rose gray mare, white wings (I got her name from the name generator P=Aspen A=flight, but I ended up using the same name for a OC theamed after a character from another si-fi series named Petra Arkanian)
Stormsun (aka Ahsoka)- chestnut colored, white mane and tail, four brown socks, teal wings (I never will use her because that's not an actual horse coloring)
Iceshade (Luke)- bay pinto, three white socks, one black sock, red feather tipped with blue
Starbrook (Leia)- blue roan, white star, purple wings (wont use because some one else on here has a mane OC named Starbrook)
Blackfire (Anakin)- dark bay, three white socks, black wing tipped with red
Aspenflight's name is now Petalfeather
Starbrook's name is now Violetfall
I'm not sure either
He’s great! Hm, reminds me of Hazelwind in a way... maybe... wait now I’m not so sure
Lol, Ikr, my other fav was Rex, I honestly don't know why
YEES, I was so happyyyyyy.
Her younger self reminds me of Dewberry, haha.
Me too, did you know she came back in star wars rebels?
Haha, I started with the Clone Wars tv show. THAT was confusing. (Ahsoka Tano forever!)
I get that, I have a friend who's only seen two or three of the movies and she was so confused by them she wont watch the other ones
XD that’s understandable
My brothers and dad like to watch Star Wars. I personally don't enjoy Star Wars (Its to confusing for me)
Lol I love Star Wars
Indeed. But at the same time it’s really cool 😮 (to me at least)
Hmm that is weird