I ship Morningstar (Morningleaf and Star) and Brackenleaf (Brackentail and Morningleaf). Yes I ship Morningleaf with two different stallions. Star and Brackentail both treat her well, so why not? I also ship Brackenpebble (Brackentail and Shadepebble). I ship Thunderlake (Thundersky and Silverlake). And Last but not least, Hazelfrost (Hazelwind and Echofrost).
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YES!!!!! I totally agree with Brackenpebble!!! 😍
Here's a collage I made of their pictures together. Sorry that Brackentail's head got sort of cut out of it. My phone didn't understand that I wanted to see the whole thing. Technology is annoying sometimes.
Yeah, I need to think about that one too. I can actually kind of see that.
But Brackenpebble........ that's not a bad one... I'll have to think on that...
I agree with all of these!!!! (Except Brackenleaf, but that is my opinion)