WARNING: The following content is a very descriptive rant about a gf-stealing loser called Brackentail who is very dumb and ooves bashing his head onto poles while playing Pokemon Go, even though there are no poles in Anok and iPhones, let alone Pokemon Go, haven't even been invented yet. That's how dumb he is. Oh, and also, it's about why Starleaf is, like, twintillion times better. If you like Brackentail or the ship Brackenleaf, please completely ignore this post as it involves bashing about Brackentail (in case you didn't know). Thank you.
Brackentail is a huge bully. One of the worser parts is that he only bullies Star because he's jealous of him. I mean, geez, instead of trying to kill Star, he could just talk to Morningleaf and tell her his feelings. It isn't that hard. And besides, if he honestly thought killing Star would make Morningleaf like him, then his brain is smaller than I thought. He lures Star onto Mountain Herd territory and pays for it, but brings Echofrost down with him. Echofrost is tortured and then released, whereas Brackentail bargained for his freedom. I know he did try to save Echofrost, but that was only once, and besides, it was, like, a week after she had started being bullied anyway, so it appeared he only let it progress to a certain point before he intervined, rather than trying to put a stop to it right away. And anyway, he could have at least TRIED to escape, or tell Rockwing that if he killed Echofrost, he'd never give him any informtaion. But Brackentail is a coward at heart, and I guess he'd tell as soon as he got tortured.
So, the bargaining with Rockwing doesn't go well. After Mountain Herd wins the battle and Star recieves his power, THEN he changes his mind. Frostfire breaks his wing, beats him, casts him out, and tells him "we can't trust traitors", which is one of the wisest sentences Frostfire has ever said, ESPECIALLY to Brackentail. Then Brackentail retreats to River Herd and begs to join the herd, which is pretty pathetic considering everything he's done in the past. The funny thing is, he's only sorry about it when he's beaten and hungry and homeless and cold and pleading and broken and has nowhere to go. Also, he focuses more on winning Morningleaf over than earning Star's actual forgiveness anyway. "'I couldn't help Echofrost, but I didn't help Rockwing. I-I wouldn't do that, Morningleaf,' he looked directly at the filly, his eyes pleading." Is what it says in the book. He lies right to her face and doesn't think twice. The comment she made before he told her that was "You helped Rockwing and didn't try to help Echofrost".
He COULD have helped Echofrost, he just didn't try, and he so blatantly lied to Morningleaf that it's sad Star believed him. He told Rockwing everything he knew about Sun Herd, yet still tells Morningleaf that he never helped Rockwing. Also, when he's accepted back into the herd, he never thanked Star and never even brought yp the subject again. He mostly tried to impress Morningleaf, and didn't even care that the black foal, the one with extreme power, the one he bullied so harshly, the one who had the authority to kill him, chose to forgive him and didn't kill him instead, which he so easily could have done.
Brackentail is worse now. He's always looking for ways to show off whenever Morningleaf's around and things like that. He also goes with Morningleaf and Shadepebble on the mission without either's permission, and hints jealousy with lines like "I AM lost". My least and most favourite chapter out of the entire mission is when Morningleaf blurts out "I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at anyone... I just want Star.", it shows she loves him more than Brackentail (SUCK IT). But then Brackentail "exhales like she had kicked him" and basically just tries to guilt trip her into feeling sorry for him. "'If you want Star, then lets get home quickly, but please eat first,' he said, his voice flat". This shows that maybe he expected her to like him more, or is just jealous of Star all over again, which is so unfair considering Star could have murdered him, but instead accepted him into the herd when no one else would. But of course, Brackentail being Brackentail, again shows no sign of caring and just hints that he only ever came to Star for help to try and steal Morningleaf. It's also my favourite scene because of how much Morningleaf exposes that she prefers Star over him. "I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad at anyone... I want Star." "You two are the bravest pegasi I know... next to Star."
Not a lot to say, but there's a lot of salt in this book. Like I might as well have opened up the book and sprinkled my dad's table salt in the pages. Like, Brackentail, just because the ocean surrounding Anok is salty, doesn't mean you have to be too. It's the year where Morningleaf, along with Star and Brackentail, all turn two years old, meaning they have to start deciding whether or not they want a family, a mate, or foals. All I wanna say is HASHTAG: STARLEAF, SUCKAS
Another tab I never deleted... and DUDE WHEN I SAW THAT TITLE I LITERALLY WENT “Oh no” XDDD
*says in a whisper* I like Brackontail :/
All I can say to that entire thing is this: YES.
I love Brackentail BTWs because I don't think Stormbound is true. We don't know if they either beat him into telling them or if he did it on purpose but, YAASSSSSS STARLEAAAAAFFFFZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 4EVAZZZZZZZZZ
-starts chanting- STARLEAF! STARLEAF! (Aka I DEFINETLY agree with you Echo)
XD :-D
Oof. I've heard of it tho :D
XD true true. Thought I found a Zelda fan on here
But all dis is so true XD
No.. ;-;
Do you know who Revali is?? 0o0
It’s cute how upset you are. <3 Brackentail <3 he reminds me of Revali from Breath of the Wild
Honestly I think Starleaf should be together, but I also think Brackenleaf would have been a cute temporary couple: like a high-school girlfriend.