On the way to the grove, Wingsong thought whether or not to tell Icewood about her meeting Ashblaze. She told herself not too, but she knew she could trust her cousin. ”Icewood, you know that legendary stallion Ashblaze?” Icewood perked his ears. ”How couldnt I?” ”I dont know. But I saw him yesterday and talked to him.” Icewood stopped. ”Seriously? What did he say? How did he get his wings? How will you gets yours?” Wingsong snorted. ”Slow down. He said Star healed him when he was a newborn. But Star is dead, and none of his foals have starfire. Nothing good came out of that conversation.” Icewood’s ears drooped. ”Oh.” Wingsong sighed and looked up. ”It’s okay.... kinda. We’re here anyways, cheer up.” Icewood snorted and trotted into the grove. Wingsong heard Sunmist and Stormwind nicker in delight as they chased each other. Icewood joined in. Wingsong walked into the grove and found her brother. Icebreeze was speaking with Mapleroot. ”How do you think Wingsong will fall for that?She believes nothing will get her her wings.” Wingsong stopped. Mapleroot sighed. ”Just trust Ashblaze. He’s a wise one.”
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this is awesome! the dialogue (talking) was sort of hard to follow, but really good plot!!!
Same! Love the story line!
-insert Olive's comment here-
Wow!!! Wow wow wooooowwww!!! That’s was so amazing! Can’t wait for more, Cass!!!