The old gray stallion nodded slightly and let his wings relax on the ground. ”You were born wingless..” Wingsong started in a whisper. ”How did you grow wings?” Ashblaze walked towards the filly, his back swaying, his old bones sticking out. He was kind of a sorry sight. Ashblaze looked at the filly. ”Star healed me- when he was a yearling. Many, many years ago. I was a newborn, and I dont remember it all.” The old stallion took a breath and continued. “Wings grew onto my back. After I was healed, Star spoke to my dam. He believed I was the only colt born without wings. If he hadnt healed me, I wouldve been wingless my whole life, unless they grew themselves. But that wasnt going to happen Star believed.” Wingsong was confused at what he was getting at. ”But Star is dead. How else would I get wings?” Ashblaze stared at the young filly. ”I’ve watched you. You are used to being on hoof, and you get along well. Why worry about not growing wings?” Wingsong looked at the ground, then looked at her wingless back. ”I’m a pegasus. Im supposed to have wings. I need wings...“ Ashblaze nodded understandly, nickered softly, and walked off. Wingsong stayed in her spot, shocked. She just met a legendary stallion, but never found out how to get her wings. Wingsong felt a tear roll down her gray cheek. She replayed Ashblaze’s story in her mind. ’Unless they grew themselves.‘ Wingsong dared not to hope. Wings wouldnt grow. They couldnt.
lol echomoon
What they said👆👌
what Olive and Flamefrost said because Im too lazy to comment anything else
Wow this was really good!
okay, so he's Nightwing's great-grandcolt
Yeah.. from old age. I have to fix part 4 because it would be strange to have deceased parents from old age as a yearling (Brackensun are dead, and Moonblaze is a yearling, so I’m gonna make him their grand colt)
this is really good but really depressing at the same time. Wait, Star's dead?!!