Icebreeze trotted up to Wingsong next. ”What did Mapleroot find out about Sunmist?” ”I broke her wing! I cant believe I broke a filly’s wing.“ Wingsong cried, tears welling up into her eyes again. Icebreeze laid his wing on her shoulder. ”Hey, its okay. I’m sure she will forgive you.” Wingsong shook her head. Icebreeze nudged her neck with his muzzle, and looped into the grove. Wingsong watched him leave. Her mind was racing. ’I need to go see Ashblaze. Now.’ Wingsong thought. She started to gallop away from the trees and out onto the open prairie. With a new burst of energy, the filly galloped through the lush grasses towards the herd’s eastern border. Suddenly she heard wing beats behind her. ”Wingsong! Stop!” Immediately Wingsong braked and skid across the grass. Someone landed behind her. ”Where are you going?” Wingsong perked her ears and looked behind her. ”Stormwind? What are you doing?” ”I was following you! What are you doing?” Wingsong looked at his hooves. ”I was.. uh..” Stormwind perked his ears. ”Are you going to see Ashblaze without me? Icebreeze said I had to go with you.” ”I know, but I figured you didnt want to see me after what I did to your sister..” Wingsong’s voice started to fade off, and she looked up and the full moon and bright stars. ”Why wouldnt I want to see you? I know you didnt mean to hurt Sunmist like that.” Wingsong perked her ears and looked at him. ”Really??” ”Yes really, she kinda deserved it.” Wingsong huffed. ”She didnt deserve a broken wing. She’s a dud now, because of me.” Stormwind walked up next to her and flicked his tail at her. ”Maybe, but it’ll all be okay when we get back. Now c’mon, I’ll walk with you.” Wingsong nodded and turned around. ”Not back to the herd! We’re going to see Ashblaze and get you your wings, arent we?” Wingsong blushed. ”Oh, right.” She turned back to the colt and broke into a trot. The two were on there way.
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Yes!!! Getting wings!!