Wintermoon woke with a start. She didn't know where she was or how she had gotten there. She looked around, trying to remember. In the area there were widely spread trees and patches of grass where the snow had somewhat melted. It was freezing though, Her hooves were almost blue and her legs stiff from the lack of movement.
"How long have I been here?" She says to herself, her voice cracking.
Wintermoon was weak, but she forced herself to get to her hooves. She shook the snow off of her dark purple wings. Wintermoon remembered having a dream and tried to remember it, but all she could see was black. A white star had floated upward just beyond her reach. She did not know what it meant, but it frightened her, she hated the dark.
As she began walking back to the herd, Wintermoon started to regain her memory and the feeling in her legs.
Pebbleroot, Skyherd's medicine mare, had sent Wintermoon to gather roots that she could possibly use for colds. Wintermoon remembered getting side-tracked by paw prints, although she couldn't remember what animal they belonged to. It was all a blurr.
She also recalled becoming cold and lying down to rest a bit. That's probably when she had fallen asleep and not realized it. Wintermoon continued down the long, small path overgrown with shrubs that lead to the big meadow Skyherd called their home.
A couple of steps later Wintermoon hears the small crunch of snow on her right. She stopped and realized she was in the shadier parts of the woods. Wintermoon listened carefully, she turned her head and gazed intently into the shrubs.
Then she saw it, two big blue eyes stared right back at her. Wintermoon's heart skipped a beat. The figure slowly prowled out of the shrubs towards her.
Now she remembered who the paw prints belonged to.
The sky grew darker as I finish my last sentence. I could see the chill and excitement in the foals.
"That's enough for tonight." I say gently. I do hope they don't have nightmares. "I'll tell you more tomorrow." I continue. " and if you're good, maybe we can make this a nightly thing, before bed."
The foals eyes light up, and they exchange glances.
"I'll go tell my mama, maybe she'll join us too!" a young hansome foal with torquise blue feathers and a dark appaloosa pelt whinnies.
"I hope she will, Indigobreeze." I croak.
" Grandsire, why did Wintermoon freeze up like that, why didn't she run? Did she have to wait to see what it was?" Mintfeather asks.
"That is a good question I do not know the answer too, now enough talk, it's almost past you're bed time." I answer.
All the foals and yearlings tiredly walk to their dams and friends and fall into a luxerious sleep.