Darkness. That was all that Nightmist felt as she wondered the endless void of dark thoughts in her mind. SHe couldn't feel anything, so she assumed she was dead and just gave up. Her sense of thought was clear, but no Golden Meadow to be seen. Only darkness.
Her memories only replayed themselves in her mind to keep her company. She felt chills and wamths at different times and she thought about this and decided it depended on her memory or dream she had been having. The endless void kept her isolated for at least long enough for the outside world to help heal her. Her eyes twitched and her ears fluttered left,right, backwards, and forwards. Her mind empty as the cobwebs of her mind bulit up more and more each day that passsed.
One faithful morning she heard a whisper. Her mind must have been playing tricks on her, right? The voice was deep, and soft. It remeined her of her father's voice and she felt warm on the inside. The whisper was clearly of a male but it didn't sound like a pegasus.......
She heard the male creature say, "Are you there? Are you awake? I know you are safe but you must be in there somewhere......" The voice trailed off and echoed in her mind's eye. She wanted to scream an answer but nothing worked. She just stayed there like a log.
SHe heard a russle of leaves and her vision came back to her. Her mouth was numb and he eyes shot open in fright and she struggled to escape from whereever she was. A bay stallion was infront of her and her eyes were wide. She stared at him, his eyes were kind and trustworthy. He looked at her and stood up.
"I am Flare," He said and bowed is head in a quiet manner. She just stared at him not daring to move. "I......." She said speechless of where she was.
"Where am I?" She said quickly and her eyes hardened. There was a little pause as the stallion raised his head.
"You are in the Forest's of Anok that belong to the mighty steeds," He said his chest out, proud. SHe looked at him again with her eyes ahrd.
"Who are you?!" She snorted as she looked at him.
"I am Flare, son of Kaca," He said and he tossed his head to rid himself flys.
"Well then, Flare, you can go now I'm just fine," She said.
Flare's eyes rolled themselves in his head. His bright neon blue eyes shimmered in the sun that could penatrate the leaves of the wood. His face was broad yet slender and gentle. His voice was creamy and soothing like the waves of an ocean. His coat was sleek yet thick enough to keep warm. His feathers......... Wait where were his feathers? Where were his wings? Nightmist looked in shock as she noticed he had no wings and she scooted backwards urgently. "You are no pegasus!" She said in fury and fright.
Was this steed going to hurt her? Was she going to see the tommorow? WHat happened with that bear? Was Cave Herd okay? She would fine that all of these questions would be answered in time...........