Wintermist winced again when Dewbreeze moved her left wing gingerly, trying to see where it hurt.
“OW!” Wintermist said suddenly when Dewbreeze forced her wing into a highly painful position.
The onlookers, Flamefrost, Sunshadow, and Wintermist’s parents Winterstorm and Pinemist, looked alarmed when she shouted. Dewbreeze released Wintermist’s wing and delivered her verdict.
“It’s a very bad break, but it isn’t too close to the root of the wing, so she will be able to fly again eventually.”
The onlookers relaxed visibly at her words. “But how long is eventually?” her sire, a blue roan with pale blue wings named Pinemist asked.
“I would keep her on the ground until the moon disappears, which since we aren’t at a full moon yet, will be a while. It’s a half moon now. Once we get to the next half moon before the moon disappears, she can try flapping and moving it around more. But for now, try to keep it still.”
They were interrupted by a groan from Wintermist.
“It has to stay still?” she complained. “I can’t do anything if I can’t move my wing.”
“That’s the point, sorry,” said Dewbreeze. “You aren’t supposed to move until it heals. If you do move before you’re ready, it will really hurt again. You can swim a little to exercise it at the next half moon.”
“Oh, okay. At least I like swimming.” The pain in Wintermist’s wing seemed to have dulled her boldness that bordered on craziness. It looked like she would be more sensible in the future. She got up and walked calmly back to her spot in the meadow with the others.
I can’t believe I didn’t catch that mess up months ago! Ugh. Yep, autocorrector.
I’m assuming that was autocorrect’s fault, but thanks! you have a bunch of catching up to do lol, I have 35 chapters so far
But great job as always!
Aw, poor Wintermist!
I'm still impressed by that number XD. Anyway, thanks! I'm now at 14,872 with a goal of 12,000
Yeah, I got 35897 words and my goal was 35000. I saw that you finished your too. Congratulations!!
I remembered the NaNoWriMo. Did you reach your goal on that?
Yeah, I got behind on reading this because of NaNoWriMo and just how busy I have been with school.
thanks!! lol you have some catching up to do if this is the furthest you've read . . . I have 29 so far
Great job!
okay, back to thinking on my own. . . hmm
I have no idea.... xD
Kind of understandably, she said that Thunderblaze was dark gray with a blaze and silver wings. . . but I digress, what should #15 be?
Lol ya
I think it's kind of funny (in a good way) that my mom thought Lakefrost looked like that.
Cool idea!
I came up with what she looked like from my mom, I was challenging her to match names of different pegasi to what they looked like, and Winterstorm is based on her description of Lakefrost: white or dapple gray with dark green wings tipped in silver
Lakefrost is actually liver chestnut with indigo wings tipped in light blue
They looks awesome!!!!!! And Winterstorm is very pretty!