Morningstar sighed as she slowly got out of the ocean the cold water dripping off her skin. Her heart hurt when she thought of Star swimming here when he was a foal. Tears filled her eyes and she let out a sob. "Papa! Why did you have to go?!" She lay on the bank crying.
Brokenheart flew over head.
She stayed at the cave for 6 more months. She was now a yearling. Everyday she struggled to keep living. She almost never swam or ate anymore. Brokenheart had left with his new mate. Her reasons for living were gone, Brokenheart did not need her, no one did. Tears flicked at her eyes but she steeled them against the pain. Her stomach growled and she slowly stood up, she walked to the water and slowly sank into the coldness. She reached a bed of kelp and ate some of it. She pulled the rest to shore and then lay down again.
Morningleaf was growing concerned for her filly. She had not seen her in almost a year. She desided to go take a visit to Crabwing's bay. She missed Star but she wanted to live her life. When she reached the bay she saw something black on the shore. She ran up to it and gasped. It was her daughter Morningstar! "Morningstar are you ok?" She asked gently. But when the filly did not move she touched the filly with her wing tip. She almost screamed when she saw how thin Morningstar was. Her ribs showed and her skin was dull. Morningleaf figured that she was dehydrated. "My girl I have to get you home!" It took them 2 days to get home with Morningleaf holding her daughter in her wings.
SO awesome!
Good. I type to fast I miss letters sometimes.
Oh my goodness I cant believe how hood this is!