Brackentail looked up at Echofrost tears in his eyes. "I failed Star! HE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!" He shouted. Echofrost blinked knowing how his heart hurt. "I was not here for Star when he died! I could not save his oldest daughter! If you failed so did I! Brackentail look at me!" She used her wings to lift his head to look at her. "Brackentail! Forgive them! Forgive Star and forgive Morningleaf! Forgive me and most of all! Forgive yourself! Star is in the golden meadow you cant fix that by blaming yourself! Brackentail! I need you! Your herd needs you! Starleaf and Morningleaf need you! Please forgive yourself Brackentail! Move on but don't forget! We both failed and we have to live with this for the rest of our lives! But we have to move on and live our lives! Take care of Star's foals! Don't make the same mistakes you made with Star! Forgive Brackentail! Forgive the world, yourself and Star!" Her eyes flared. "Don't give up on life Brackentail! Please don't do that to Star!" She begged. She was sobbing her face covered in tears. Brackentail tried to pull away. "Echofrost you don't understand-" "Yes I do you need to let go Brackentail do it for Flamesky and her foal!" Echofrost said her eyes like daggers. He nodded and sighed standing up he walked away to Sweetroot. It was then he heard the cries. The crys of a new born foal. "Flamesky!" He shouted and ran to her side. "Brackentail get away!" Sweetroot said nipping him on the flank again. "No! I need to stay with my mate and our foal," He kept his voice firm and gently he lay a wing over Flamesky. Flamesky winced. "Sweetroot does not know if our foal will live." She murmured for his ears only. "Brackentail I am not sure." Sweetroot said gently.
Flamesky whinnied. "I want to call her Brackensky for you and me."
"Ok." Brackentail said
Loved it!
Thanks. Would it be bad to bring Star back? And I just felt like this moment with Echofrost telling Brackentail to forgive was perfect because for a lot of the books it was the other way around
Nice, love it!